Either a new weakness or a new low. Or a new way people are going to treat me bad or a new way that I’m different, in a bad way. How much further can I go down?
You’re a good man imo
Try to not get so down on yourself!!
Everyone has weaknesses/flaws/challenges
Sometimes becoming conscious of it can be a helpful way to grow
But IMO you’re a really great guy
It’s good you’re still learning about yourself!!
Sucks that people try and put you down though. I don’t know how to help there cuz I experience the same often. I wished people could be nice but it doesn’t seem possible to me anymore. It’s not a fault of anyone but humanity itself.
Thanks for the kind words @Jonnybegood. I guess it’s just human nature. What scares me is when I don’t care anymore if people treat me bad or not. Have a good evening. You seem like a good guy too.
I agree with @Jonnybegood
For example, you’re funny.
I think you’re rad, Nick! I’m a better human for having known you. I appreciate your perspective and your goofy sense of humor.
Nick, I think you are a great guy. I think you are smart as well. Does AA have anything to help you with what you are thinking about?
Wow, @Jonnybegood, @cdwithdcs, @Jake and @anon40540444. If you’re not careful, you’re going to cheer me up and make me feel better about myself!
seems like a lot of people are starting to get into a rut now that the autumn season is approaching. You sound kinda depressed tbh. Hopefully you can overcome these feelings and see the good in yourself that exists. People are usually pretty blind to their own strengths
lol yea i second that, i think lifes tough right now but you always have a great sense of humour about
Yep, sz for me. It affected everything in my life and I keep discovering new stuff that it negatively affected me. Idk when it will end.
I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling down! You have a great sense of humor and I love reading your comments
Thanks @anon2818416. All these answers made me feel better. I hope you have a good night.
Cheer up 77nick77, we appreciate your humor and your interesting stories here!
Thanks @Bowens. I’m about to OD on all this positivity!
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