I cant concentrate because the voices are so loud and my characters that I hallucinate are always trying to distract me. It’s starting to affect my grades and I dont know what to do. Sometimes when the voices are too much, I put my head down, but my teacher calls makes me do my work.
Do you have an IEP in place? If not, you should talk to your parents/counselor about getting one set up so your teachers can better accommodate you.
The thing is, I haven’t been officially diagnosed as schizophrenic.
Doesn’t matter. You don’t need an official diagnosis. The school will talk to your psychiatrist and if your psychiatrists agrees that you could benefit from any sort of additional help they can help get that process started.
At the very least you probably have a psychosis Dx.
Thanks, I will definitely look into that.
Listening to music on earphones helps me a lot. Check if you could use that in school.
i hope that you can talk to someone about it, someone who can make your teachers aware of your condition, if you havent got a diagnosis i think the first thing to do is tell you parents and also your gp because if you catch this thing early then the prognosis is supposed to be very good, maybe you could get something to help, good luck.
my illness started when i was in school, i was going to college at a tech school to become an engineer but the pressure was too much for me. i don’t know what to tell you how to deal with it but just tell you i’ve been there.
Thanks, it always helps to know that you’re not alone.
when i was in school i frequently thought the math equations on the white board were secret messages of the teachers warning me of some kind of dangers. It got worse when i took a linix programming class.
OMG SAME! I thought I was the only one. I still think that sometimes.