I can’t stand normal people obsession with online outrage videos

My spouse is on Reddit everyday. I can’t stand hearing him watch video clips of people being outraged and fighting eachother, Karen’s, etc just people being nasty to each other. I think people are addicted to this stuff. People being assholess on the plane etc.

People acting stupid videos. I have to hear it cause we are in the same room. I’m usually having a craft YouTube video playing on.

Is this what normal people do - just love outrage?

He completely gets bored of what i have on YouTube.


I watch those. I like “Bully’s ko’d” I skip the Karen videos because they’re boring, just a bunch of middle aged women yelling at MacDonalds worker’s. I watch road rage sometimes. IDK, watching those videos is like when you’re in elementary school or middle school and when there’s a fight everybody runs over and circles the two guys fighting and watches the fight. Except now you’re in your living room watching.


Yeah my spouse laughs his head off. I don’t get it.

But i don’t like comedy in general either. But i don’t think this is comedy.

Im not going to lie i like it on occasion but not all the time as it can make me feel quite depressed over how people act


This is really a thing? Wow.


Yes it’s like his pastime activity.

I don’t find it entertaining or funny

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i dont particularly like it but it is a bit satisfying to see karens (who treat people bad and act entitled) get a deserved treatment when they are blatantly out of line. like they must have been tolerated for so long they prob need a reality check

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I like to watch people eat things on Youtube I guess Im weird


when i was a teen i used to smoke weed while watching youtube vids of people smoke and try different products lol. then when i got sz and got on olanzapine i would eat fast food while watching fast food reviews. idk if it was loneliness or what but thinking back it sure seems like it. i still watch food videos but not in a sense of eating with the video but seeing travel food vlogs in different countries

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Oh yeah I can relate Im always eating when I watch other people eat on Youtube lol

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I suppose it’s what they call “morbid curiosity” or fascination.

It’s like when people are driving and everyone painfully bends their neck to look at a car crash.

In the VHS era there were schockumentaries and mondo videos like “Faces of Death” and “Traces of Death.” These videos even had urban myths built up around them.

Nowadays you can just find it all online.

Personally I’m not a big fan of human suffering, but that’s how I roll.

I wouldn’t even let my kid watch America’s Funniest Videos. There is nothing funny about someone injuring themself. Your first reaction should not be to laugh at things like that. You’re a horrible person if you do.


I think I provide all the outrage this household can handle.

My husband just watches boring carpentry videos and such.


I do enough of it myself, that I don’t really like these videos. I did in high school, but I like to think that I’ve matured past this, but more than likely, I just create enough drama.

I don’t like videos with a lot of fighting. Raises my anxiety and stressing me out

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