After paying for Medicare, my SSDI is only $650/month. It’s ridiculous if you compare that with the cost of living. My husband is also disabled and our mortgage is $900/month. Apartments for rent around her are $1000+. It’s crazy.
At the end of that article, it mentions an SSDI recipient who moved to Mexico to enjoy a lower cost of living. I didn’t think SSA paid benefits if you leave the country?
They dont
SSD will pay if you expatriate. SSI won’t.
That’s what I heard anyway.
It’s SS. That is different than ‘taxes’.
And where do you think the money for SS comes from?
People income. But SS is different from taxes. You should know what your taking about before chiming in to this thread.
I used to think like you. But I came around. Hopefully you will too.
That’s your opinion. And that’s fine. But the majority of people on this board and with psychosis rely on SS income to survive.
Like I said. I used to think like you too.
You opinion reflect you inexperience with the world and lack of compassion for the poor or disadvantage.
Trump won’t fix that for you. Only time and an open mind will
Too bad if you live in us, you have the lowest SS benefit due to its high debt:GDP ratio among developed countries.
Only if a country is rich enough then even disabled people can live comfortably, compassion can’t put food on your table, it’s called being realistic
but the wealth is concentrated at a minority of individuals at the top.
Mean disguised as realism. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people contributing to funds to help disabled people. That’s why we live in a society… to help each other out and support one another. People have become so self centered that they think like this.
I own three pet fish
If I don’t feed them, they die, plain and simple
I can’t expect them to feed themselves cause they don’t possess the resources to be able to
I should hand them the capablity
Sorry if I’m comparing pet fish to humans. I don’t mea to go that far
He wrote ‘compassion doesn’t put food on the table.’
Wtf? Lol
So when I donate twice a year to the food bank where does that money go? It goes on someone’s table because I’m compassionate.
Just like social programs put food on the table.
This guy is just confused & probably regurgitateing crap his parents taught him.
I used to be like him, I know the type all too well
if life was so simple, hi Dr Zen here i have been a slave all my life because the cost of living was so low, that i all most fell for killing my self over it. then i look up and said hell theyer just killing me, so now i walk the streets looking for money to help out. church give less chairitys give less. but bother sometime you get what you need. peace.
This thread is going to get locked. Lol
I have a friend of this mentality, and that is exactly what happens. They feed at the political trough and regurgitate it onto others.
It’s perpetuated by people who don’t give a s*** about anything but money and themselves. I get it that the systems sometimes are abused, but that doesn’t negate the necessity in order to help those who need it.
A healthy Society cares for its aging and disabled.
You’re incorrect. You get out of SS based on how much you put into it from your income. I paid into ss for 24 years. I earned my disability money.
Even if I didn’t earn much for myself, many many people did and this money is there to protect them like a safety net. You never know what crisis will come to you and make you end on this route, but if you paid in or if your parents and grandparents paid in, then to me that means you deserve to be on it.
I know I don’t make much on it because I couldn’t work from depression and pre onset schizophrenia, but that isn’t taken into account for what I earn either, so I make the minimum. If I made more I might be able to afford an apartment but most likely I’d still be dependant on housing programs.
I just want to be able to see a future for myself. I don’t think I’m a leach I tried working after I failed out of college, I tried really hard to excel at my job and I even ended up with a lasting injury due to over work.
Its not fair to call people lazy. They do what they can I pray at least they do. I know that the current economic system feels like a treadmill but I can’t help that. I don’t feel like I’ve won a lottery for being able to skip work either.
Share some compassion, understand that this isn’t an ideal situation for anyone, and that while I may be benefiting from your labor I am also not going around crazy off my meds causing the town to smell of human feces causing diseases, and lowering moral by being a tragic lost person. Please just accept that this really is a kindness that is earned.
Tell me why is it necessary to help those in need? You know following the law, if you see someone drowning and you refused to save him and he died, you are not committing a crime .
Where is the freedom of choice that is preached so much by the western countries if people have to be forced into helping others.
It’s great that countries like Singapore actually links social welfare and aid to work and other effort and teaches us in school how the welfare system of Britain fails and causes its economy to plunge.
If you earn your welfare benefit, you deserve it. On the other hand, if you didn’t work and expect handout at a very young age, you don’t really deserve your welfare benefit. Providing you with bare minimum for medicine and food is already being kind enough, giving you a place to stay is being nice and you shouldn’t be picky about where you are staying. I know of people with schizophrenia in my country staying together with other people to split the rent