I can’t do anything

Sorry to post so much in such a short time I’m really not doing hot lately.

I’ve noticed that I can’t seem to really do anything. I lose patience with things too fast. I never finish games anymore, or books or coloring or projects, nothing. I’m never going to contribute anything to the world because I can’t finish anything not just writing. I can’t even watch my shows. I have to pause and take breaks. I wonder if vraylar is doing this to me. :disappointed: maybe I should stop this med. I’m sick of antipsychotics. The demons torture me anyways who cares.

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I’m sure people don’t mind you posting a lot. That’s what this site is for, posting about our issues and maybe get some support

And if you were already able to achieve what you have in the past it very much means you can contribute to society in the future. Just have hope, hope is what motivates us through such trying times.

If your medication isn’t allowing you focus then it could help to find another one you haven’t tried. Your experiences and general state of mind will likely get far worse without medication.


I feel like garbage. The devil is taunting me. He won’t let me go. He’s the reason why I’m doing poorly and I can’t get away. I need help.

He’s going to attack me now.

Awh :confused: well I hope you feel better soon. You are definitely a valuable member of this community and it saddens me to hear you are in such a mood.

What makes him go away? I am sure he will be there alot more without meds btw. I wish I had the power to make your demons all die and go away for good

Awh Anna. You deserve so much better than what you go through :frowning:

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I’m on vraylar 4.5 mg. It works but I want to reduce or get off medication. I literally do nothing all day. Supplements just make me more aware/alert that I’m a bum.

When I first started vraylar I had anxiety. It is gone, but makes me wonder…

I know how you feel. I did come of Haldol because of this, but nothing has changed to be honest. Not sure if med changes help or if it’s the illness.

I have started seeing a psychologist, I will try and remember to ask her when I see her what she thinks. I will post here if I get a straight answer.

I know that feeling, very well. Lithium made me feel like that & it’s a horrible feeling. Hope it passess & I wish you well!

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