I’m mentally ill. No one wants to kidnap me.
Wow! I’m so glad you see that now! That’s awesome!
Did your meds change?
No I was reading over my medical records and I think this gave me some insight. I’m still a little anxious though.
That’s great @flowers20 ! It’s good that you realize that no one is going to kidnap you.
That is awesome. Glad your feeling better.
Yay! Good for you!!
My question is is it was written I had very flat affect during my psychosis. I don’t have it anymore according to my current psychiatrist. Is this common to only have it when psychotic?
Hey, I’m happy for you @flowers20 . I know how long you have struggled with this
I dunno about your case but my “flat affect” has somewhat carried over after psychosis. Typically, I think the negatives remain, but I’m glad that you don’t have that symptom anymore.
Ayyyyyyyyy I’m so happy to see this post oh man… i was worries about about your health. I remember when I first had a realization that Noone was after me too. It was quite eye opening and a big realization for me about sz. I hope your psychosis goes away 100%
@flowers20 That’s wonderful! I mean, not wonderful that you’re mentally ill or have delusions, but it’s great that you’re finally getting some clarity! It’s a great step toward your recovery. I hope you are eventually relieved of your delusions, maybe with some med adjustments? And that your life becomes less and less scary.
It’s just so hard accepting it’s not real. It feels so real.
It sounds like you’re at a turning point. I hope you have someone to talk to about all this
This is a positive step @flowers20. Now you can focus on recovery.
Whoever said “Sometimes the paranoids have real enemies” caused me a lot of anxiety. More often than not the paranoids make real enemies. Joseph Stalin wiped out his officer corpse. He put more trust in Adolph Hitler than he did in his own generals. The highest general, Zhukov was too much of a hero to the people of the Soviet Union, and Stalin couldn’t touch him. If Stalin had killed Zhukov the Russians might have lost the war.
Are you saying I will become the dictator?
No, @flowers20 . That’s not what he was saying. Don’t get drawn back into that delusion after you have broken free from it. I know that you have had it for a long time, so I can see why you have a hard time letting go, but try not to let every little thing cause doubt in your newborn realization that no one wants to kidnap you.
Yes that’s pretty common. It’s called secondary negative symptoms when they are caused by other things like meds and psychosis.
Here are some stats on how often negative symptoms remain after positive symptoms fade:
“Negative symptoms are common and can occur at any point during the course of illness; for example, at least 1 negative symptom was noted in up to 90% of patients having a first psychotic episode, while 35–70% of patients continued to have clinically significant negative symptoms that persisted after treatment.”