it was on sale, on ebay for 7 dollars, 2 months supply, pack with good brain health vitamins. Its called Radiance. I research some of the ingredients, some them help with depression, anxiety, stress, memory problems, focus. Also anticancer agents, circulation, exercise boosting performance, prevent brain aging, neurological protection. The list goes on. This sounds like a good Brain supplement. I hope it works.
Good luck with it.
I always try supplements individually, one at a time. If you take a combination of things and something goes wrong you won’t know what caused the problem. That happened to me before, so now I just try new things 1 at a time, if I don’t have an adverse reaction I continue taking it, then try the next thing, etc…
thanks for the advice, i hope this works.
i been having some anxiety, stress and depression problems lately i hope this helps.
Good luck, let us know how it works.
yea i will let you know in week.
ok. I just started taking some fancy multi-minerals and some vitamin c and a vitamin b complex. I feel better already. I think you’ll be happy.
Nothing wrong with that, people say vitamins are not good for you, nah thats not true. I benefited from vitamins, my bloodwork improved so much from them, i never believed what people say about vitamins say they dont work. they do work i have proof from my blood work.
I think taking these brain supplement gave me psychosis. It’s like aderal
really thats not good, i hope that doesnt happen to me.
Hmm. . .
Strange To Note, Most Supplements Give No Energetic Feeling, Positive Or Negative.
really hope this is not the case.
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