I been prescribed diazepam

I been prescribed diazepam like I did before a couple of months ago. Does this help with mania too? Or just anxiety


Benzos made my symptoms worse.


I’ve never had mania,

But I have extreme anxiety and take benzos.

It’s my observation they take just everything down a few notches.

My guess is it would also help with mania.

Again, I don’t know from experience.

If someone else knows, please feel free to correct me.


I don’t want to become dependant on it so I’ll only take one as and when I need it. The anxiety and mood changes feel uncomfortable.


I think @Joker used to take diazepam or currently takes it. Maybe he can weigh in.


I took diazepam two different times in my life. I just got off a few weeks ago with no problem. It’s a good medicine. I wouldn’t worry about being dependent on it if you need it, you might not need it permanently.

I was surprised to hear from the doctor that diazepam is weaker than Clonazepam, I still don’t know if that’s true?

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If you have mood issues I wonder why they prescribed that instead of a mood stabilizer…

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I don’t know if it’s my moods or anxiety to be honest. But whatever it is I feel on edge and extremely uncomfortable.

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Stuff is :skull_and_crossbones:

I was given a dose of 30mg a day in 2017 I think.

It was for anxiety and also to help with side effects from Haloperidol

About 2 years ago I dropped it down to 10mg, and that took 9 months

Your body craves the drug during lowering doses and it’s a horrible withdrawal process

Not worth any short term benefit

Now I take an AD Vortioxetine for anxiety and that works great

I am down to just 2mg a day of diazepam but will be off it soon

Another note is they reckon Pregabalin is a better alternative but yea, no it isn’t

Got up to 375mg a day a couple of years ago

Have been refusing to increase that for the time until present day

■■■■■■■ nasty ■■■■! :face_vomiting:


I’ve never taken diazepam however I’ve taken clonazapam and it helps control my mania and anxiety it calms ppl down that’s what they were designed to do

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I’m on 2mg also , but I just took it for today maybe not too much going forward

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@anon25873142 Benzos including diazepam help quell down some manic symptoms

But you might benefit from going on a traditional mood stabilizer

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When I get a proper appointment and assessment I might ask for this.

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When I was in hospital they gave me lorazepam and it worked wonders but they refused to give it me after six weeks and would not prescribe it me when I left

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Just be careful that PRN is as such

My problem is that PRN ends up being a regular med

And then the dose creeps up more over time

I was not wise to it before

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I had a similar issue and for me it was psychosis. My APs calm me down.

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1 mg of Clonopin is about equal to 5 mg of Diazepam. Diazepam will do about the same thing as Clonopin.

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The thing that concerns me particularly about mania is that it adversely affects my judgment.

I think that Diazepam might adversely affect judgment, too.

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Clonazepam helps me sleep but not all the time. When I go through a bad period and get over I ween off. I am trying Melatonin and then going to also try Magnesium supplement. That together with healthy eating and exercise.


I was on Clonazepam for quite a long time but when they did ECT on me they stopped it cuz it can raise the seizure threshold, then afterwards they never started it again. I didn’t miss it until a couple of years ago when having anxiety, but then they wouldn’t prescribe it again cuz they thought I’d OD on it. I’m kind of glad they won’t give it to me again.

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