I applied to be a mentor for students at my old University

They emailed wanting people.

There was a long list of types of people they needed.

I matched 3 out of about 10

  • Disability
  • having being classed as a mature student
  • Getting a first generation scholar bursary

Reckon if there is someone out there with a collection of these things they can pair me up with, then I can probably help.

The commitment is 1 hour online per month for 5 months, but more if needed.

I said I could help 1 person, but more if they have demand for people to help

Maybe it will turn out to be a good thing.

It’s been nearly a decade since I graduated from University, and there are plenty of stumbling blocks I can help people with

One key thing I realised was that you still needed to do what everyone else does, and get that entry level job at low pay, get work experience and prove yourself in a field. Pick a diverse company with wide ranging spectrum of day to day exposure to different tasks, and you’ll find your way within.

It’s all about applying transferable skills. Many people rubbish degrees like mine (History and Sociology) but they educate you well, and you learn a lot of highly valued skills in the process - if you put the effort in.


Would the above help someone who’s about to finish their degree and is freaking out about getting employment?

I had to note on the survey that I would not have a clue about body language as I simply don’t pay any attention to it


That’s awesome man. U should definitely do it.

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Yea! I saw it and thought if there is some people who need some insight into getting into the job market after University with issues, I can help

My advice may not be conventional, but it might be useful to someone

I only donate ÂŁ10 a quarter to the student mental health fund

It’s not much, but all I can afford atm

Maybe that’s why they ask for help from me

Awesome @Joker !!! That’s great you’re going to do that. You’ll make a huge impact on their lives. So cool!

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I am going to see what I can do with my spare time.

A lot of people always recommend volunteering etc

Have a lot of time on my hands outside work I don’t know what to do with, so this makes sense to do something constructive and meaningful

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I think it is something that will help you as well. It’s good having something worthwhile to do outside of work and I applaud you for giving it a go. I suspect you’ll surprise yourself.

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Yea I am kinda hoping it will go well, and be helpful to the people

I live about 30mins drive away from this place, so if any other opportunities come up I will help :slight_smile:


Very cool! Good luck!

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