I am so weak person

I am such a weak person,even when I have the right reason in argument or conversation I just don’t wanna get into argument,I am so scared…I feel I really had such a weak personality

Even though I had improve,but I still faces so many problem in life…like I feel so worthless and I just don’t wanna look at people and feel overwhelm when people look into me,how the ■■■■ I am in now…is this anxiety or psychosis,should I get my doctor to prescribed me Xanax or benzo to help me?

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Compare to others I am so much inferior…I wonder is there a meds to change personality?

Sounds like low self-esteem to me. Anxiety may be part of it. Give yourself some credit. Start believing in yourself.

sounds like social anxiety…a doc will probably put you on Buspar, a non-benzo anti-anxiety med. You can change your personality by deciding to. I have changed a whole lot in my time.

This illness has knocked down my self-confidence as well. There have been many times where I find, I would have been perfectly justified in defending myself. But I didn’t want to cause the cops to come because since I’m SZ… who’s side are they going to take? Not mine. Or so I thought.

It’s hard to get that self-confidence back. I see it as a secondary symptom of this head circus. But little by little if you just do small things it will come back. Be patient with yourself.

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Thx,I will try be more patient with myself…and not get frustrated easily

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I feel the same way. I spend a lot of time alone and feel I have weak personality/brain. I don’t socialize much because I feel I’ll just have nothing to say or embarrass myself. Everybody seems to be living it up with social lives and me just passing the day.

never compare your self to others , you are unique, and brave for going through this illness.
you have every right to walk this earth, experience love, friendship.
lift your head up high even when you are feeling low, when you are walking down the street and say to yourself, ’ i am brave ’
take care


schizophrenia is not for the weak you are not weaK schizophrenia would turn the adverage joe into a heap of wobbly jello. when we have had abuse during childhood sometimes you put yourself down because its what your used to we are all unique we all have something to offer you are not weak you are sick if you had ME or a physical condition would we be so hard on ourselves no is the answer to that sending hugs you are good enough just the way you are.

@Mobc1990 I think you said that you were on Abilify in previous posts. When I was on Abilify, for years I was passive, felt weak and frightened of my surrounding and people. When I got off Abilify I gained my strength back - maybe there is a connection?

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When i was on high dose of my med, i wouldn’t talk much, i didn’t have energy, i would have fear for no reason. Now i am on very low dose and most of those things have subside. With me its the antipsychotic med causing it. If you can lower it do it, the reason i am on very low dose is because i have started eating lot of veggies. If you can slowly move on to raw food(no raw meat) you will be able to lower your med. i am not 100% on raw, just for one reason, i wouldn’t be able to sleep. If i had not have sleeping problem i probably would only need baby dose antipsychotic with 100% raw vegetables and fruits.

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That is a point, there could be a very really possibility that it’s the meds.

High dose of Seroquel plus high dose of Zoloft… I was shut down. My sis would talk to me, but I just didn’t have it in me to talk back. I could blink and shuffle around… I’ve been thinking that it was like a chemical catatonic state on top of negative symptom.
Clozaril was also very numbing for me too.

MOBC Said: "I am such a weak person,even when I have the right reason in argument or conversation I just don’t wanna get into argument,I am so scared…I feel I really had such a weak personality

Even though I had improve,but I still faces so many problem in life…like I feel so worthless and I just don’t wanna look at people and feel overwhelm when people look into me,how the ■■■■ I am in now…is this anxiety or psychosis,should I get my doctor to prescribed me Xanax or benzo to help me?"

I feel exactly like this on medication. When I was put on medication and when it kicked in I felt the change to what you described very quickly. Everyone has different side effects, that’s what the doctors and other people with schizophrenia who have landed on their feet with medication seem to forget. I find it isn’t something you can improve, for me it is a case of “your medication is your problem”.

Well you seem brave around me.

“I feel like such a week person” Medication is used to control and even break a man. Learn to walk the path, it may take a number of attempts but it will be worth it.