I am lost in my sexual identity since forever

yeap, I have this problem. I am not sure if its commun in schizophrenia… maybe I have bpd also…
lately, I said to myself ■■■■ everything and I try to accept myself as I am…
in my illness, I had those picks of libido to downs of libido so I am still lost in my sexual identity. its still complicated for me. but what if I am bisexual? it will be strange wow… maybe its one of the reasons of my psychosis in the end… :slight_smile:
who here find himself different sexually after his diagnosis and with his recovery?
hugs to all


Dear lord I am so confused as well. I fantasize about mostly guys, but I sometimes fantasize about girls. But I’ve only ever had crushes on guys. And at the same time even though I fantasize about generic guys and girls I never find myself actually interested in participating in sexual activity with them in real life. So I have no idea what I am :sweat: I usually just stick with straight because I prefer guys waaay more to girls. And sometimes I consider asexual due to my repulsion towards actual sex…sexuality is complicated


yeap its complicated for me too anna… plus, when I am depressed I have absolutely no desire for anybody cause I have my social phobia too. and sometimes, my libido is a way bit too strong, some kind of animal way… its clear that my identity is damaged for the moment. I was dead psychically for too long time, now I try to ‘‘wake up’’ :). ive read the article on bisexuality on Wikipedia now. it seems that for bisexuals there are lot of stigma out there both from heteros and from homosexuals… the bisexuals are more proned to psychiatric problems too… I am trying just to relax and then ill see :). maybe there is really something here. me too sometimes I have no clue what I am. I also dont feel as myself very often(depersonalization?)… maybe that’s why one of my pdocs diagnosed me as bpd as well…
well be ok anna, I guess we need time. today was bad for me, I am pale and I feel nauseous from all my suffering.


I’m sorry you are having a bad day…I hope everything gets better for you soon, you seem to struggle a great deal and I worry :sunflower:

I vote we just don’t worry about sexuality and end up with whoever we end up with! :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: dont worry anna, I guess ill be fine one day. meds are helping me I find :slight_smile:

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Sometimes Borderline patients have trouble with Sexual Identity.

I still think that it’s common among those of us diagnosed with Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective as well.

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I know it’s confusing to know which hole you want to ravenously plow and why you want to plow it.

It’s a tough one to figure out.


Being judged for my illness made me curious about the same sex

Most of my delusions were sexual and involved me having unwanted sexual attractions. I was convinced i was bisexual for several months, now i have come out of that. For me the unwanted sexual thoughts are stressful and cause distress.

I think you are what decide to pursue. Children have no sexual desires so it’s a decision you make when you become a teen or young adult. Everyone can pick out someone from eather sex that they find attractive. That doesn’t make them gay or bi unless they chose to act on it. I’m straight but could choose to be gay or bi if I felt like it. Fantasy’s are always over the top because your not in the act you over react in your mind to reach a level of pleasure that would have been reached with less fiscal contact or less bizarre behavior. Sometimes doing something we know is not right takes us to a more erotic place.

I’m not confused, just lost, no desire hardly, one begins to feel everything they do is disgusting to everyone so you just isolate the rest of your life away.

lmao! Very hilarious

I may have been into women for like a year due to porn with women doing things but I have never met a woman that I was attracted to in real life. I always go mad for men. Tall men. Deep voices. Kind of fit too. If it would please my male partner I might be open to a menage et Trois. But as far as marrying a women or having a “girlfriend”…not in the cards for me. You sound like you may be bi-curious which is like a real thing. Find another bi-curious woman because lesbians would get their hearts broken…ok NOt sure about any of this …like the topic though…Peace

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After my third psychotic break I was so mixed up in my head that I actually thought I might be gay for a while. I had a delusion that my girlfriend slept with this enormous guy friend of mine in my bed while I was out at work. I have no proof to support that this happened but the two of their voices tormented me metcilessly in my head for months so I actually stopped being attracted to women as a result. It was a strange time but I also got through it.
Now the meds kill my sex drive so badly that it doesn’t even matter what I like anymore, I could honestly care less. I might as well be in my 90s

Love yourself mountain man! No time to hate

I’m certain that I am straight but I have fantasized about women at times. That didn’t change with my diagnosis. I’m still straight. Right now I am so burned out on being preyed on my whole life and this sex obsessed world that I welcome celibacy and a reprieve from even having to think about it. The lack of libido due to the drugs doesn’t bother me at all.

IF no one is pestering you to use you, I think you are in Heaven. This ■■■■ hole is so bad, the males get people fired to try to use some women and unemployment is denied lots of times. Some places hires every 4-6 months and they are actually messing up some poor low paid female and no unemployment is offered – even GOOD govt jobs can work like this. NO one single can work there unless you are doing ‘more’ on the side to keep your job & keep the office discrimination off of you by serving a coworker up something.

You know, I’ve met some people who were just around sex abuse situations who are happy to be kind of a-sexual…They did not get many relationships, sometimes living in just hard place to socialize before internet dating started or living around a lot of other screwed up users…Can be relief not to have to ‘serve’ someone or deal with the whining…If you are not being pressured to serve, you are blessed. There are a lot of screwed up people and no cops/courts that will help sometimes…

I’m heterosexual but wish I was born male. When I got sick I lost interest in my femininity and hated being a woman. I hate the way women are viewed as sex objects. I lost interest in sex too even though I like men. I think Ive become asexual in a way. Ever since I got sz I lost interest in sex. I like wearing dresses and women’s clothes but I like short hair not long. I don’t want to have a gender, I just want to be me.


The main thing is to be true to yourself. You don’t owe anything to anybody when it comes to your sexuality. Figure out what works best for you. You might listen to other people’s advice, but don’t accept any demands.

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I don’t explore

It’s cuz I’m a sex target