Trying to come off Klonopin so I can take it as needed instead of everyday like I am now.
I’m cutting down slowly but still going through some withdrawals.
Beware of benzos.
These are some of the most addictive substances around.
I only took 0.5mg every day for 7 days and now I’m hooked!
Youll do it, pal!!
Am on klonopin since years and the last time ive stopped it, i was good for the hospital only…
I take it now without much help anymore from it, but i take it only cause i dont want a withdrawal now, am still too fragile…
But itll be awesome if you can do it without it…
Tbh, in my illness, i was more a zombie my whole life than having an energy, so klonopin even depresses me a bit now, but ill still take it…
Yeah, benzos are tough i know…
Hugs dear
Good luck with that, you can do it yeap!
I had terrible withdrawals from Ativan. And I recently took it two times again during PMS, and felt weird for two weeks after. It’s bad stuff. Good you come off now, in the early phase. Take it slow, you can come through it. Good luck.
@Wave you have a real tendency to catastrophize and also are a bit hypochondriac in your posts. To become addicted to klonopin you’d need to be taking it continuously for 3 to 4 weeks minimum.
Maybe addiction is the wrong word
But when I cut down on the dose from 0.5mg to 0.25mg I’m experiencing physical discomfort like headaches and mild nausea etc…
This is all possible according to my doctor.
So it’s not all in my head like you alluded to @anon4362788
@Wave you’ve had something posted about almost every medication you try. Always something negative. So of course people are going to notice.
I’m not trying to be mean, but addiction and dependence are serious conditions. Jumping to claiming such a thing after a week of a med is going to get headshakes.