Anyone else get this? Honestly I like it I find it extremely interesting. If you can power through the initial startled feeling you can really experiment with hallucinations. Happened to me this morning. Was paralyzed, had some physical sensations but for the first time ever I was not disturbed by them, I didn’t judge them or get scared I just went with it. Then at one point a chorus of male and female voices, auditory started up moaning, (not sexually get your mind out of the gutter LOL), it was almost like comical ghost wailing. Ironically this was what made me aware I was experiencing sleep paralysis because it’s the only time I get auditory hallucinations, and I immediately calmed and the voices stopped just like that. I opened my eyes and WOW that was wild the blankets on my bed were moving like waves on an ocean and it was very exaggerated I’m not sure how else to describe it but it was so trippy. If I closed my eyes I began to have VIVID visuals of different scenes, basically my trance state. It even felt at times that I lifted out of my body and was floating through these scenes. Eventually I got to one which I found upsetting and snapped out of the trance. Wow it was a cool experience though.
Nope. It terrifies me every time. If it was just paralysis without the terrifying hallucinations maybe, but I’ve always had accompanying horrible things happening.
You have to calm your initial startle response. Your fear is what creates the scary hallucinations. Then they scare you more and make it even worse. I’ve tested this several times. Each time when I practiced calming myself down from the initial panic state, the frightening hallucinations changed into mild/neutral ones or stopped entirely. Dreams work the same way as do drug trips.
Learning how to do that can be challenging I suppose. For me I think my fascination overpowered my fear
I always see things before I realize I’m paralyzed, though.
Same thing happened to me today, I didn’t realize I was paralyzed until I heard the moaning of tons of voices. But I was so used to hearing these sorts of strange things during sleep paralysis I immediately identified what it was and relaxed and it stopped pretty much instantly.
But you’re probably half right. After I realize I’m paralyzed they tend to calm down within a few minutes.
I enjoy getting stabbed and kicked hard in the balls. It’s when I’ve had my best epiphanies.
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