Hypo mania?

I’m trying to be more consistent with meds and its lifted me out of this state where I was irritable and kept thinking people were verbally attacking me. Now I just see positives to everything I saw negatives to and make more sense. Mind is sharper. I sleep less but more energy. I feel pretty good. Wth?


I think I’m going into a hypo manic state. Overnight

I think you’ve been hypomanic for a while, Ish. No offense.

Yeah, I agree with @Ninjastar… For a good while now.

I agree. Thus the spontaneous urge to draw and create when never done before. Hows that going by the way? Any progress?

But I’ve had stages where I got irritable and cried but that lasted less than a week. I’m talking meds properly again I kept forgetting before but have reminders now. However now I just feel amazing. I think I know what you guys trying to say? My dating thing? Yes I sort of am talking to someone, the guy who pissed me off , he and I are willing to try short term. Be cause he’s not sure about bipolar. I just want him to get to know me before deciding anything.

I haven’t done much not had the chance :frowning:

That’s how it gets ya. Be careful!

I always feel proactive I guess I missed I was hypo manic for long time

@anon80629714, im sending a pm

Are you taking your Tagretol on time now? It’s important to take it at the same time every day.

@Minnii is def right about timing of tegretol. I am also on it and a few hours can mean a world of difference.