This other kid who’s 28 was hanging out with us and he was high on heroin. He was acting completely out of it and sort of violent and scary. He told me that even though he was clean from heroin for 49 days…he was drinking, smoking weed and doing coke the whole time. He thought that was okay though. But he went to the meeting anyways even though he was high on heroin. He asked if I wanted any heroin, i didn’t say anything then he was like “I’m just joking, I don’t have any anyways”. It’s messed up seeing what heroin does to people. Damn. Anyways I’m 64 days sober and attained reason 5001,5002,5003, and 5004 not to ever do heroin.
Congratulations on your sobriety!
I hate dope and dope heads in particular. Ive seen H turn great well rounded people into terrible monsters, thieves, and cutthroats. Never trust a dope head, ever, they become like golam from lord of the rings doing anything at all to get their “precious”. Ive been to probably 12 or 13 funerals of past friends who lost their way and died because of heroin overdose, its a huge problem where im from. Ive never tried never will and dont associate with anyone who does, ive seen it play out all too many times. @turningthepage stay away from that dude until hes clean and becomes human again, unless hes family, then get him clean. What a Terrible terrible drug.
Heroin is a horrible thing. My cousin was hooked and unhooked herself. Sad thing is that she has seen at least five of her former classmates overdose on dope in the past month.
He’s homeless, that’s the thing. I’ve had a handful of friends die from the sober house of OD the past year. It’s really sad. It’s an epidemic here too. I just can’t see it ending too well for this kid. I hate to say it but it’s the reality.
Also I hate how heroin addicts think heroin isn’t “THAT BAD”. Like when they tell me they’re a heroin addict and I say “oh damn, I’m sorry” they get like all defensive that it’s not that bad. I’ve learned to expect it, but my h friends always thought what they were doing wasn’t that bad. “At least i’m not shooting up” was a lot of their mentalities. I worry my good good friend from the sober house is doing heroin again because he’s been ignoring my calls for weeks.
Hmm…for your sobriety I’d stay away…even if its not a drug you would do…you cant save them all…they must make the first few steps alone…and until they make a real attempt they will continue to drag everything around them down…
You cant ever force an addict to quit. They have to WANT to get clean. Until they turn that corner theres not much you can do to help, especially not at expense of your own well being. Ive tried to help my friends in the past, got burnt evey time and some still didnt make it out in spite of me trying to help. Good luck.
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