Friend who got kicked out of the sober house

When I was in the sober house these kids N and M (M who I still keep in touch with) went out and used heroin one night. It was really scary, they were living in the sober house with me and one night they went missing. Well M got arrested but N had done his whole bundle of heroin so he wasn’t arrested, but was kicked out of the sober house. I googled his name tonight for the first time and I saw his facebook page and he has over a year sober. Good to hear. Recovery is possible. :thumbsup:

I guess he didn’t get sober for 8 months after he left the sober house but now he has a year sober. Congrats to him.


Hey @anon84763962 maybe you can use this as inspiration for your own sobriety, if he can quit heroin you can quit codeine!

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I can quit it. Heroin would be tougher I think. Good on your mate for getting off heroin.

Thanks for tagging me on this post JJ :blush:


I like how aussies use “mate” instead of “friend”…you are officially aussie now that youve used mate. dont think youve used it before to me, unless i wasnt paying attention closely enough :sunny:

No worries mate :blush:

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Actually I say matey more than mate. I forget people’s names really easily so it’s easier around the office just to say “Hi matey” then stand there blank.

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Heroin… scary theres none of that where I’m from… no crystal meth and the coke has like 3.1 percent coke in it.