How's the therapy for your sz

How has therapy helped you or not with schiz & what type did you do? I’ve been doing intensive psychodynamic therapy for 2.5yrs now.

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The CBT did not help me. I felt like it was a waste since we didn’t even talk about things that matter. I felt paranoid of her. And I hated travelling to that hospital its in such an awkward place

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What do u do in that therapy…!!!

@anon90843118, Therapy never helped my paranoia either. We talked about anything but my issues in therapy and I would always end up paranoid of the therapist and have to quit therapy because of that.

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I only just got through the paranoia of my therapist after 2 whole years, now I consider him a friend

I don’t do therapy. I do have a great psydoc but he’s never available for crisis. I’m pretty gawdamn stable so it’s not an issue. 15 minutes every 6 weeks or so and we get it done!

It pays to be proactive. Learn your symptoms and what works for you. Ask your doc the right questions and move forward when you can! It’s not rocket science but it really is an art for your doctor! A good doctor is hard to find!


My therapy mainly consists of exploring & staying with feelings, the weird part is when we explore the anger & he’ll literally ask me to describe how I’d hurt him

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@By-my-design i have tried CBT … it doesnt helped me… i dont trust any therapies now…

Glad its working for u…!!!

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Stupid. Because I never want to talk about things that actually bother me because it terrifies me to deal with those feelings and bring them out from behind the wall in my head into the open. It can be extremely destabilizing for me as well. Because of this I often waste weeks of therapy sessions just making nervous small talk and acting like nothing is up which is a waste of time and money.

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