How will lsd effect me?

I’ve not been diagnosed, but I feel myself slipping more and more every day for the past year or so, the past couple months really making an impact. I’m just wondering what’s the potential?

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lsd can cause visual hallucinations like sz.if i were you i wasn t take it.because if one thing made hallucination it definitely playing with important part of your brain.dont use it.i m not a doctor but i think you have light sz but it can be get worse if you use drugs like lsd or other halucinational drugs.

Lsd causes psychosis… It’s a 5ht2a agonist

I took lsd and took me 3 years and a big dose of antipsychotics to get out of that high. Probably not the best idea.

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Mescaline, another Hallucinogen, similar to LSD tripped me into Psychosis Land - it lasted a long time.

LSD is a dangerous drug for the mind - it can be.

If you have Schizophrenia its even a worse mix.

You are better off staying away form such a harmful drug.

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I wouldn’t even wonder that. No offense, but would you consider putting your hand in a fire because you’re curious about how badly it will burn? I recommend seeking a diagnosis. I was afraid to for a long time, but when I did it was a relief because then I knew exactly what I was dealing with. Please get help either way. I wish you well.



At least I think so. Sorry if I’m wrong :smiley: no disrespect to the fishhood. fishes are delicious. Again I’m really sorry if I’m wrong and this is legit.

I’ve done it before, I was just curious if it’ll do anything because I’ve been noticing more things happening

Then it’s going to get worse. One day you will have a bad trip and end up ruining your life like milder drugs did for lots of us here. This is not a drug forum.


I realize this, but it’s not not relatable

You realize what?

That this is not a drug forum.

Stay away from drugs. I’ve had HPPD for 9 years now because I used LSD. I also did a lot of DXM and other research chemicals. I am a schizophrenic now because I thought expanding my mind was some great thing to do.

You don’t realize the risk you’re taking with stuff like LSD. You could lose your life and future because you thought it would be fun to drop acid.


My older brother did a lot of lsd. If you have a bad trip it can be pretty dark and scary. I hate to think about having to deal with that for several years, if you come out of it at all.

I really feel concern for you because I don’t want you to suffer unnecessarily. That’s where I’m coming from. Like I said before, I truly hope you seek help/a diagnosis. :heart:

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Of course that’s not relateble. That’s on you. You came to a recovery forum trying to ask about things that some people are trying to recover from and not wanting to talk about. It wasn’t made to be relatable, it was made to make a point. You’re in the wrong place asking about the wrong things.


If you don’t have issues hallucinogens can be a good time…

If you do have issues… I’d recommend you stay far away from the stuff.

Drugs + mental issues = more trouble

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If you really have to take something of questionable legality take CBD oil. On second thought, don’t do that either. But it’s at least GOOD for your condition.
I was also tempted to take LSD once. But I’m more than happy I didn’t. In fact, it was MY DELUSIONAL LOONEY THINKING that made me want to take LSD. And now I realize that. It’s like you want to destroy something inside you to get a brand new life. The thing is, schizophrenia is mostly not caused by past experience. LSD might work for people with trauma or whatever. It won’t work for PSYCHOSIS. People with psychosis are already on LSD. They need ANTI-LSD.
Praise to fishood.

IF you have any bit of schizophrenia it will make you a lot worse at minimum for a few years. I did it and I wish I didn’t.

If you take LSD, there’s a good chance that you can kiss whatever sanity you have left, “good-by”. To me it doesn’t seem like a good risk. I took it about 15 or 20 times before I got sick. I had about 3 or 4 really bad trips and my last bad trip triggered my schizophrenia. Yeah, for me, I would not gamble with my whole life in the hope that I might (if I’m lucky) have 7 or 8 hours of fun.

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