I don't encourage drug use, but

Lately I am obsessed with LSD.
I even see it in my dreams.
People here and friends tell me that it would ■■■■ me up.


It would completely f u c k you up. You wouldn’t be able to dress yourself. I don’t even drink coffee. Insult a mother of an IRA man that will probably do the same, that’s what I did and he caused my sz

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Bad idea in my opinion. LSD and psychosis do NOT mix well.


I took LSD. Some of the trips were worse than some of the other ones.

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I wouldn’t advise it, I was addicted to lsd, 1-2 dots a day for many months, my highest was 42. What comes from that deep a trip nothing but a burden. Please don’t do it

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Hey I cut a rug more often than I should, but there is no freaking way I’d do LSD, that is too serious of a drug to be messing with when you have schizophrenia. Please don’t do it. I took a sweet tart that was supposedly acid about 6 months ago, thank God it was bullsh!t. Voices and hits of LSD don’t mix. Nor DMT and voices, screw that.

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It’s just chemical games. Smoke and mirrors. It has no value and is dangerous for psychotics. Whether you agree or not these sort of chemicals are on the path to legality it seems. Strange world.


What everybody else said.

Before I got sick, each trip was 8 hours of fun.

But now I wouldn’t risk screwing myself up for the next 10 or 15 years of my life for a mere 8 hours of fun. It’s not a smart gamble.


Colorado just legalized psychedelic mushrooms. Or at least decriminalized them, I haven’t read into it yet.

As a possible future parent, I don’t agree with this movement.

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Are you fn high! Why would you risk what it could do…I barely survived my last episode and I was completely sober. No way man no freaking way.

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Coming from someone that dabbled in LSD when i was 18-20. I would stay well clear. It WILL mess you up. Im sure your sensible enough not to take it. Last time i did i ended up on a Section.

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OK guys, I hear you. It’s too dangerous for a schizophrenic.

Psychedelics are usually completely blocked by antipsychotics. I Googled it and others have said LSD did nothing while on antipsychotics. You’d be risking your health and wasting your money for nothing.


Wow. Makes sense. Didnt know that - mind you when i was dabbling in it, i wasnt taking any aps. Will google myself.

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I did attempt this with two different psychedelic drugs when I was still abusing them and on APs. No effect at all.


Can confirm what treebeard said, have tried LSD after being on antipsychotics and nothing was felt.

I do think LSD as well as mushrooms and most every psychedelic has promise in treating depression though.

I support research and decriminalization/legalization of psychedelics.

That said I know it’s like playing with fire :fire:for those schizophrenics off meds.

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