How to quit smoking - Tips please

I want to quit smoking but I can’t ive tried nicotine Spray, patches and lozenges, nothing helps. Even mint candy. The first thing i do in the mornings is go for a ciggy and even skip peeing, help.

I’m cutting back slowly first, telling myself i can wait, nothing else has worked so trying that first, see if I can get it down to a few a day then try to quit


Are you against vaping ?

I am not, but i find it too tedious to charge vape and coil changing is expensive. Don’t have enough cash for a proper vape. vape’s make me cough more than cigarettes

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I quit gradually. Started out with 5 cigs a day and did that until I felt comfortable with it. It took months but eventually I got down to one puff a day and then it was no big deal to quit altogether.

I switched to vaping first. Once I was stable on that and not craving tobacco I quit vaping. I think quitting tobacco straight off would have been too difficult for me

Hope this helps. Still nicotine free.

I agree cutting back first will make it easier in the end.

I cut back one cigarette a day every 4-5 days until I was down to just 3-4 cigarettes a day. Then I went cold turkey and it was pretty easy.

I find nicotine gums help break cycle.

I was a heavy smoker.

I couldn’t stop on my own.

I did find help, and I am free of Nicotine for greater than five years now.

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Sometime you need extra meds to help you stop that bad habit

I quit using the patches and lozenges at the same time. Everything else I tried didn’t work.

I smoked 12 years — tried a million times to stop, one day I threw out my lighters, tobacco, ash trays etc…
I had a roommate who quit with me and we did the buddy system — just keep putting off that damn cig until eventually you’ll make some progress and don’t wanna look back, thus quitting for good - that’s what I did and I’m about 4 years smoke free … :upside_down_face:

I was diagnosed with emphysema and was blacking out every time I coughed. So I was really motivated to quit. I went cold turkey. This was back in 2011, so I don’t remember it very well. But I quit and no longer crave cigarettes.

I quit the way mountainman said to try quitting. You need to slowly get the nicotine out of your system. So eventually you dont crave it anymore and will have no desire for cigs anymore. I successfully quit. It will be two years now in February.


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