How to push through the anxiety

I couldn’t make it to my sleep study last night. I panicked. I was shaking all over. I’m trying to figure out specific things to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

What are some things you do to push through the panic and anxiety? Prn meds aren’t working.

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breathing techniques and meditation


you just got to remind and tell yourself its all in your mind

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Splash cold water on your face. :dragon::dragon::dragon:



I practice breathing exercises and mini vacations three times a day. I’m finding it isn’t enough. I have agoraphobia and ALWAYS have anxiety when going anywhere.

What specific things can I tell myself about it all being in head? And, thanks!


I’ve not tried that yet. I do tend to drink cold water in copious amounts before I go anywhere.

Thanks so much!

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Im not to sure honestly. mayby try to understand it as a fight or flight physiological responce and work on minimizing that responce by focusing on the opposite of what your body is doing


a lot of times i just grin and bear it. it if becomes too much, then i leave the situation.


If I had to go to a sleep study and I was panicking about it, I would have someone else drive me and I would physically hold on to my seat to get there. Then I would do a breathing technique for the hyperventilation. By then I would be ok. I would have come down from the panic.

When I’ve had panic attacks in the past I’ve held on to my seat to keep me from jumping up and running then controlled my breathing. But there have been plenty of attacks that required medical attention and nothing would help. So it sort of depends on how bad your attack is what you can do about it.


sometimes just telling yourself to accept the anxiety even though it feels horrible it cant hurt you. Then you may feel a bit more in control.



I haven’t tried doing the opposite. I’m going to test that out.


Because I don’t have my own transportation, I cant leave. I think that’s part of the problem. I’ll work on that.


I’m going to literally physically hold onto my seat and focus on breathing a try.


one more thing that helped is checking in with someone like you’re doing now. I’ve called a relative on numerous occasions when over stressed and asked for guidance.

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I forgot to say that I wish you didn’t have debilitating panic and anxiety, but it helps me not feel so alone.


I think accepting the anxiety and panic could definitely shorten the duration.


I hate that you all can relate. I wish you didn’t.



I do tend to reach out for help when needed. The people in my life are the real deal. Y’all on here, unfortunately, go through it.

Thanks so much!

I works for is meditation and watch stress relief music videos on youtube.

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Any specific YouTube videos? I follow 3 dogs there… sherpa, nook, and k’eyush… when I’m anxious. I’ll check it out, thanks.

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Thank you. I actually have recovered mostly from panic. Now I only seem to panic when it comes to driving highway speeds and the one off situation. And my anxiety seems really pretty good since I started taking 120 mgs of Cymbalta. It really helps me a lot. I’m sorry you are struggling sweetheart. Anxiety is so awful. You just feel so helpless when it’s happening.

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Thanks, hon. You know exactly how I felt. To what do you attribute your success?

Never mind lol cymbalta

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I struggle with anxiety too. I think you got some good responses though. If you try any of the suggestions, please let us know how it went for you

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Will do @LilyoftheValley. Thanks

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