How to not get mad at

How to not get mad at someone that said “no offence but…” Has this ever happened to someone? How do you respond to their honesty? My brother does this to his friends and it p sses me off, because he does it to me when I become psychotic. Like “no offence but that probably won’t happen…”

Two options:
A snarky reply: no offense, it’s just your opinion
Don’t sweat the small stuff. In ten years, you’ll still be siblings


When someoen tells me “No offense, but…” I usually take it as a “please don’t get upset, I don’t want you to get upset although I know this may upset you”

If he uses it with you when you’re psychotic, chances are he’s afraid you’ll react negatively to whatever he has to say.


Then why doesn’t he just not mention or comment on what I’ve done and stop policing my behavior to make himself and others feel good about not having to see me that way? I can’t help when I get psychotic and go on a rant or I can’t help when I hear or see something. I get fed up with the symptoms as it is, I don’t need someone dictating me. He knows I’m not myself during those vulnerable times.

Maybe he’s trying to calm you down or get you back to reality.
I don’t know what you’re like when you’re psychotic, but some psychotic people lose all self control and become erratic. Some even get angry if you don’t believe in whatever their psychosis is telling them.

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Look, you asked how to avoid getting angry over it.
The first step to avoid getting angry is to stop assuming people have negative intentions.

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I may be having an episode right now and am having a hard time grasping the concept. I try to understand my surroundings while I’m in this state, so bare with me. I appreciate your feedback.

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