What are the best excersizes to do to get rid of a fat stomach??
walk every chance u can get
Lol i walk alot dude It hasn’t gotten thinner
that’s cuz ur on Zyprexa!!!
Yea I know that sux…
I dont even eat that much and I’m getting fat af
slows down ur metabolism!!
You can’t spot reduce fat. Just overall fat loss will help, and you will slim down where you naturally will. Be it your tummy, thighs, arms, boobs, or whatnot.
Yeah I agree with skims
What can I do to get rid of fat especially on my belly i’m obese and disgusting
Sit ups. Lay off bread and carbs
Just be fat dude whatever
I lost a lot of weight a while back just eating in moderation. Like if I got a hamburger from McDonalds I ate 3 or so bites and saved the rest
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