Escape through the ventilation or garbage systems like in movies jk
Don’t break any rules and cooperate and that’s how you get out soonest. If you argue or cause big scenes or demand to be let out that will only make them think you aren’t ready to leave.
Yeah, every ward I’ve ever been on was boring. I usually kill time by sleeping but most wards frown on that.
You just got to play their game because they won’t play yours. If you are fully compliant they will let you out in less than a week, they need beds for other people.
Ye ive been sleeping
Just show them you are fine without any psychotic thoughts. Over here, they can keep you up to 1 month, then three months, then a year if two doctors sign it. You can leave early if you are reasonbly well and know how to lie though it wouldn’t be ideal to.
Are there people you can play cards with? Maybe you could do a little reading. Start acting like you like the place. That will get you tossed out pretty quickly.
Good idea as well. Keep yourself engaged.
I can’t act that way because I hate this place
Here’s an idea. Start a fight and then let them welcome you and then the other person for entertainment.
Lol, just a joke.
Bad idea though
Well, nothing much else to do there. Just mix around and find some friends then.
You Made me lol. Thanks.
I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t think acting like I liked the hospital ever got me out of there any faster, but it was a sweet revenge. One time I was doing some writing while I was in the hospital, and in group the pdoc was telling me, “You can’t use the hospital as a place to write.” I told her that they had brought me there against my will, and while I was there I was going to make the best of it.
That’s ridiculous I’m sorry
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