I’m scared of having to stay here
What happened? I hope things get better for you soon.
I couldn’t eat anything because I’m scared of choking
Are you there with other kids or with adults mosly?
With other teens
You get your phone in there?
Yes in Finland most wards allow u to have your phone
Well that is a nice perk.
Try to make the best of it. You’re with your peers now. Try to benefit from it.
I’ll be here for a week only
Don’t let it get you down. A week isn’t that long.
I’m worried theyll think I’m psychotic
I think that if you keep a firm grip on yourself you’ll be okay. Try to keep your emotions in check.
yes im trying to do that
Try not to worry @Crystal-Cotton
One week flashes by when you are doing all the right things.
What should I do?
Attend group therapy, attend art therapy, do as your told and mind your own business.
Be respectful towards authority figures.
There’s no group or art therapy
Yeah I will be 1515