How to feel good?

I feel really good when I have psychosis off meds like high but still not as good as before sz. On meds I don’t feel too good as I don’t have emotions. The only times I felt very good like before sz on meds was when I took too much Ldopa which increases dopamine and when smoking high THC weed its legal here but these later cause positive symptoms hearing voices etc No way out. I wish they make better meds that make me feel as good as before sz.


You must do The Thing.

Whatever is fun and challenging for you is The Thing.

Getting good at doing The Thing makes you feel great.


There’s this thing called “behavioural activation” it helps a lot of people myself included too do the things you used to love to do and it makes you feel better I do it a lot and it helps


I know yea. The only thing that works for me is stabilising my mind and body and then reducing med dose

Don’t wrk 4 everyone.


A good glass of mead with my meal helps a lot. Also walking. Also working. I feel rewarded by my job. I help people and make a difference.


I hear you on the thc


I know it sucks, I have forgotten how it feels to have full emotions, I’ve been in a medicated state for too long.


You’ve got me really interested in this now. I wonder if it’s worth trying. I can always stop it if it’s not working out.


I don’t recommend it, it makes my positive symptoms worse. It counteracts the meds. The meds block dopamine while ldopa increases dopamine. Sometimes I had to take extra risperidone to stop the positive symptoms, I almost went to mental hospital by myself. Its risky.


The only thing that helps without worsening positive symptoms is Hup A but its only a tiny improvement compared to Ldopa. Stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin are much stronger than Ldopa but my Dr said I will endup psychotic in mental hospital again if he prescribes them evethough they help negative symptoms. He said I am playing fire by taking ldopa.


Ok, maybe I’ll forget about it then…


This. And since you’re interested in managing dopamine @Aziz , you might want to read up how setting and pursuing reasonable goals can affect dopamine in healthy ways.


Try going for karxt, good effect size and decent side effect profile


I feel like ■■■■. I do stuff go to the gym, hangout with friends, gaming, cooking, etc I still feel like ■■■■. Before sz even staying at home and social isolate felt better. Something is not right in my brain and Drs don’t care.


Meds that increase dopamine are much stronger than behavioral stuff.

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I wish I had the ability to enjoy stuff. That’s my big issue. There’s no point in pursuing something just for the sake of it. There has to be some reward.

Increasing dopamine doesn’t work. I had this issue off meds when I had too much dopamine!


What about before sz? Its not only the meds that reduce dopamine, the diseases does too.


I haven’t quite figured out how to recreate the sweet spot yet, but I know it exists for me. I found it between recovering psychosis and switching to vraylar at 1.5. After I went up to 3 it vanished again. I now am reduced to 1.5 again and I seem to be enjoying conversations more , but am still having some troubles enjoying activities like pc games, tv and movies and the like. But I think it has improved in this area as well.

My next step is wellbutrin.

I cant speak to others, but I know this state of increased happiness exists for me, where I can enjoy things more. I have seen it recently and am trying to chase it down again.


The disease is caused by too much dopamine. Meds fix too much dopamine.

The big mystery to me is, if dopamine is the pleasure molecule, then why don’t we all feel great off meds.

There’s probably more to it.


I like my tagline eventhough I never requested one. I wonder if it was meant for someone else and its an error.

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