I never felt alive or positive emotions even before my sz diagnosis. So its not the meds. I feel like I had childhood sz and it permanently damaged my brain or I was born with a defective brain. Is it possible to be born with sz?
I wasn’t normal even before the sz diagnosis.
You must do the thing.
Even I feel sz was with me for a long time and it just triggered heavily at age 21, but did not react out externally other than discontinuing my masters.
I used to hear voices long ago before dxd, and see things at the age of 7 to 9 so best thing to do is not to think of the past or future be in the present.
Never ever doubt your abilities @Aziz you are a star you can be better and way better if you just don’t doubt.
I always felt different than my brothers and others. At first I thought I had ID but I always did good in school, its just that I can never connect emotionally with others irl.
We are unique @Aziz I like how (I forgot his name in the forum), he says there is nothing called as normal in the book of DSM.
I wish I had good advice for you Aziz, but I sadly dont. Try to focus on things that bring you joy in life. I know you enjoy video games… maybe play a bit more?
Its hard to feel alive on meds
Fake it 'til you make it.
I never feel alive. Just empty and hollow all the time. That’s why I sensation-seek
Doing things that excite you and if you don’t have any keep looking and doing things.
I still have times like this off meds, I have been taking supplements which increase or help dopamine production since stopping, because I think the receptors were damaged or downregulated. I’m not recommending anyone do this obviously. I took St John’s wort while on meds, though it is contraindicated because it lowers antipsychotic absorption. I still felt terrible, so it didn’t help while antipsychotics were still in my system
This is a natural AD that increase serotonin afaik not dopamine. Maybe ask your Dr for Ritalin or Adderall, these increase dopamine, but they may worsen psychosis. There is also a supplement I use sometimes that increase dopamine called Mucuna with 15% L-Dopa but its much weaker than prescription meds like Adderall and Ritalin.
I hope my problem is only a lack of dopamine.
Have a cold shower for 3 minutes! That’ll get the senses going.
I went out and did 5.3 km worth of The Thing this morning. It felt great. Having a caramel macchiato and doing more of The Thing in a bit.
Life sooooo gooooood…
Theres many feelings of being alive. I think the most important are safe and comfortable. Your thoughts can influence how you feel so can activities. If you cant do activities work on thinking about things that make you feel good. If the things you write about here are a sample of your thoughts i have to conclude you tend to be negative. Although you do post items about news and science and tech. I would focus on things that interest you like scientific discoveries including new meds you can get excited about.
I post positive stuff daily in the Say Anything thread.
Oh i dont go into those threads
Apparently it is a re uptake inhibitor for dopamine as well as seratonin.