I don’t feel alive, I feel dead. Is it the meds or sz?
When I have positive symptoms,
I feel alive
I know from your previous posts, you spend a lot of time laying in bed. If your blood isn’t circulating and being oxygenated, you will just feel like s***.
I would recommend starting something very slowly, simply get out of bed and lift your hands over your head five times while lifting your feet off the floor. This will just make your blood circulate and take a few deep breaths. Re-oxygenate it. Then maybe try something a little more strenuous.
I used to volunteer in the stroke Recovery Center, and this was a big issue with many of the patients
Me too but its dangerous in my case to stop meds.
I use caffeine, it helps the heart pump stronger and faster.
I am not taking my 2pm risperdal, fk it.
A cold shower
Bath will suffice
Would require doing something
Yea anything but that
Pop a pill get a shot
The person wasted away
A breathing husk
Artificial humanity
Definitly the meds, but I guess it maybe could be both.
Maybe you would be better off taking a ap that doesen’t make you too sedate, even if it doesen’t work exactly the way you want either. But it would probably benefit your health if you spent less time in bed.
I know it’s difficult though. Hope things improve.
I skipped my 2pm risperdal, I already feel a bit better.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this @Aziz. Is there something you could do to encourage yourself? I keep plants and sometimes just checking on them, watering them and admiring them gives me a bit of purpose. I wonder if you could get a seed kit online and try to grow something?
I may reduce my risperdal from 6 to 4mg again if I feel good. I am not stopping meds completely this time.
I felt better today after going from 6 to 4mg. No irritability. The only reason I went from 3mg to 6mg risperdal was irritability. I didn’t have any sz symptoms on 3mg. I will stay on 4mg for a week, if no irritability, I will ask the Dr to go down to 3mg.
I think it’s illuminati
Drink some espresso
Go for a walk or drive…
I am going back on 6mg risperdal. I get nightmares at lower doses. I dreamed that I was being eaten by a crocodile
Go skydiving. Wake youself up a little bit, shake the brain
Are you still in bed all day Aziz?
Yea but sometimes I still feel good in bed.
Be aware of getting Melancholic depression. It can happen to people when they have little pleasure in their lives.
Also be aware that when people come off Risperidone, they can become manic or psychotic even if they never had mania or psychosis before.
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