I don’t have any great advice, either, but I can totally empathize with your situation. We all wish you the best! @Schztuna
Thanks @Tulane, much appreciated!
I had/have this exact problem after I got hit with my first psychotic episode. I used to be more extroverted and social where I could make the group laugh and tell a great story. After psychosis I couldn’t even say hi without seeming awkward.
The ONLY thing that helped was forcing myself to stop analyzing my interactions. Even if I am awkward, Im going to appear 100 times more awkward in my brain when I am doing constant play by plays as we are our own worst critics.
I know its hard but, be mindful you dont say anything that can get you in trouble and try to stop pushing being normal. Forcing normality is the easiest way to be awkward, and as long as you’re not crossing offendable lines there isnt any reason to worry about keeping up with everyone else when it sacrifices your own comfort.
Ultimately from my own experience, take some of the pressure off of yourself when it comes to social situations. It’ll help you be less awkward and it will help you worry less about being awkward. I know it’s 100% easier said than done, but if you can work on that then social interactions will be easier. Anecdotally they were for me.
I couldn’t make eye contact for a while 20 years ago in psychosis because I devalued and stigmaized myself…its the oppisite now I can make eye contact correctly when conversing with anyone, my mind set has been transformed for the better,
Definitely gonna try this.
Thanks so much for your response, @Squanchy.
That’s awesome that things have improved for you, @san_pedro.
Gives me some hope!
Don’t beat yourself up about it. When in group settings just smile and nod and go along, if being the center of attention is too stressful don’t attempt it. I’m good one on one too but I don’t like being the center of attention in large groups so I just lay low. if someone asks you about something in front of everyone else just tell them you haven’t made up your mind on the topic or don’t know much about it and shrug innocuously.
you can’t make eye contact when being psychotic , that’s from my experience, when u get back to normal, u will “see” again
I kind of trained myself to do eye contact, like look for few seconds then glance over a bit at something then back. To this day I still have to tell myself to do it because it does not feel natural.
im planning to go back to work in a management position, Im a little concerned if I’ll be able to handle being around others all day long in an office setting without blowing up lol. So I will see how it goes.
I’ve always liked working outside where I can have a laugh and then put on my headphones.
I don’t talk much or even don’t talk at all when in a group but I talk more when one on one. Idk if its the sz or something else.
I guess its the sz as I want to interact and talk but just feel on another planet, like my emotions and mind aren’t synchronized with the group.
I look at teeth.
I was once told at recovery college, in order to feel more comfortable around a person try to find something in common in order to build a connection. For example, she was at an interview, and the interviewer had the same flask for tea that she uses and that helped her feel connected, no matter how small the thing in common is. Like a tea flask. Hehe.
I will try this, thanks @Headspark.
Yea, eye contact was waaaaaay intense while psychotic, @schizophrenick.
Right, I wonder if it’s an SZ thing or if others have issues with eye contact too.
Wishing you luck for when you decide to go back to work, @LevelJ1!
Yes, I feel that way too @Aziz.
It feels very awkward to be standing there while someone’s talking and be miles away at the same time.
I sometimes watch people’s mouths if I’m having auditory hallucinations to make sure what I’m hearing isn’t real.
Tough to do with the masks these days, though.
That’s a great tip @anon83141956, thank you!
Yeah could be. Maybe introverted types or shy people too might not make eye contact.
And thanks I hope it goes well too