If not, what would you like to be doing instead with your time if the forum was not that addictive?
I spend a lot of time on here. If I was not on here I would probably be staring at the walls or sleeping since I have anhedonia and cannot find much that I enjoy doing anymore.
I spend a good amount of time on here daily, but it doesn’t bother me at all.
Even if I had a girlfriend I would try to check in now and then.
I consider you all friends, and I appreciate you all putting up with me.
i would be preparing for job interviews more
but tbf i do still do that though, just i could be more productive in that field
sorry to hear about the anhedonia
this forum must be like a lifesafer then, sort of
Thanks for the hug
I consider you an internet friend
Right on!
I get paranoid sometimes about my bonkers sense of humor. But you all seem to be on my wavelength.
nah your sense of humour is good,no need to feel paranoid
you are a cool dude my dude
Why thank you! You’re very kind.
I would be meditating, I’d like to think.
I spend all my free time on the computer doing something, I check the forum a lot. I’m happy I have a place to go with such nice people that understand where I’ve been.
I spend a lot of time reading the posts here and It is like a bay and harbor for ships.
I’m on the computer anyway, might as well have it up in the background.
I check here on and off during the day. I just leave it on an open tab.
I’d probably be reading if I didn’t have my computer and my tv.
It bothers me just a little bit tbh.
I’m at a restaurant now, and I see people chatting away and smiling with friends.
Kind of wish I can do that again.
But I probably would just look at Facebook if I didn’t have this place though🙄
I was about to answer this thread until I realised I created it.
So Mae, you spend a large amount of time on here.
Probably one of the most active users.
It does help though it is nice to be around computerised people lol
Most of the day. It’s my hobby.
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