I’m moving out again soon and I hope I can keep my monthly grocery costs to $200/month. The nearby grocery store is a cheap one and I won’t have a car so I have to go there anyway, that should help.
I spend about $200 every time I go to the grocery store,
Every week and a half.
I feed two people,
My husband and I.
One thing I do is stock up on things I like when they are on sale.
We spend about $1,200/mth for 2+ people. Saying plus because El Punk comes home some weekends and also tends to shop in our pantry. We don’t skimp on good fruit and veg and better cuts of meat. Our dine-out bill is almost nothing because we prefer to make our own right down to bread, ice cream, and fresh pasta.
Fresh pasta sounds awesome.
We do about $800/month and feed 4 people, 2 cats, and a dog. This also includes medicine/vitamins.
Man, if only. The bugger of it is that I’m kind of cheap and am pretty good at food costing. It’s not like we just throw stuff in the cart with wild abandon. If I have fresh cauliflower it’s because it was in the 50% off, just about to go bad section.
We have a higher income tax and no sales tax on food (except certain items legally classified as junk or prepared)
Normally, $350 a month. We get SNAP and that’s all they give us. But with COVID we have had a lot more, so I’m not positive what I’ve been spending. I just know it’s been nice to not starve half the month.
I get X amount of food stamps, more than enough for just me, but right now I’m helping out a friend and her daughter, social services screwed up her food stamps so she has nothing, so I’ve been buying the groceries that she needs.
I think I averaged about $100 a week. This is just for myself. It’s very rarely over $100, and sometimes less
My grocery situation is complicated. Sometimes my dad buys groceries and sometimes I do. We feed 3 people and one dog.(and a bird technically, but he doesn’t cost much). It’s difficult to ascertain exactly how much I spend because the amount of time I shop each month varies so much. So, I can’t answer your question exactly.
I give my parents $500 per month and they buy all the groceries.
Probably around $400 but that includes toiletries and cleaning supplies etc. I budget $700 a month which includes gas and take out. That is for two people but usually once a week one of my adult children will be here for supper as well.
About £350 a month. It feeds myself and my partner and the dog. Qwertle gets his milk for free cause he is on prescription formula.
I spend £35 a week at Aldi and eat well
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