Do you spend more on food?

Every month we run out of money and spend some of our savings on food, our cats, and gas. I am trying to cut things like pet insurance, and the paper. Maybe we just have to eat red beans and rice all the time.

Eggs cost $8 today and I had to summon all my self control to not start a revolution right there in the dairy aisle.


For a dozen??? Holy wow.

2 dozen. But that same thing was 1.39 before the madness started.


The foods I used to buy went up in price so I buy different food now that’s cheaper.

I’ve been dieting a couple months now and losing a couple pounds here and there. I might lose 2 pounds one week, then 1 pound the next. I’m happy as long as I’m not gaining weight from the risperidone that’s been causing all this weight gain for the last year.

Well this week I lost 4 pounds. Why? I’m trying to save money to help out family members and I decided to eat a lot of rice and beans. It’s pretty good for you actually.

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Happy Birthday @anon47703785 !! :hugs:

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Our food bill has gone up, but we have managed to cancel it out so far by being more careful and creative with how we shop, and by also eliminating other expenses (I now do all of the basic maintenance on our vehicles instead of paying a mechanic).

I needed dish tabs last night so I checked the prices online before buying. Amazon was cheapest with 140 tabs for $21.99. Best price I could get locally was 110 tabs for $23.99. Amazon will deliver my tabs tomorrow for free.

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Thanks @anon5280029!

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We spend the same amount on food as before, I just have adjusted to different recipes that include cheaper foods. I’m more conscious of food sales and shop at multiple stores. Our meals are determined by what is currently on sale. We also eat out less often, and spend less on extras in the house. I shop sales and freeze the extra to use when we really need it. Like right now ham is on sale so I buy extra and freeze to use throughout the year. We currently still have three turkeys in the deep freeze.

The only issue I have is buying fresh fruit. There are seven of us and we go through a lot of it. I buy canned fruit, too but I like my children to have fresh produce. So I try to buy seasonal fruit and veggies. Summertime is the best. That’s when the farmers markets are open. So I’ll buy extra fruit and veggies then, and freeze what I can so we always have frozen fruits to make smoothies or throw in yogurts with granola to make a healthy snack.

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