How much do you care about your own appearance? - Poll

Are you concerned about your appearance?
  • I extremely care what I look like, even if I’m not going anywhere
  • I care somewhat
  • I am mostly only concerned with my appearance when going out
  • I don’t care at all, even when going out
  • Other. Feel free to elaborate

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I personally don’t care much how I appear when lounging around at home. I do put in some effort to look decent whenever I go somewhere.


I’m just intent on getting through the day I don’t bother with makeup sometimes I don’t brush my hair and I have no social life apart from lunch with Dad


It varies, but I do care about my appearance most days.


How I look really impacts my mood,

So I try to look as nice as possible most days.

On days that I’m cleaning and shouldn’t really dress up,

I feel like I look terrible.

I’m very critical of my own looks and have voices that are too,

So it’s kind of a weird thing for me.


I dont care so much about being “put together” as much as I care about not having large obvious stains on my clothes and having my hair covered with a hat. I really just dont want to look so bad that I embarrass my family by looking homeless.


I don’t care in IRL but I care if taking a photo.


I don’t care at all when I’m home, if I go out I care waaaay too much.


I care about my appearance. For me personally like that saying tidy room, tidy mind. Likewise, tidy appearance tidy mind.

But it is not to an extreme.

Cos u know this condition makes me not super alert and such.


I have serious problems surrounding this issue. I care deeply how I look. I want my hair perfect, I want my make-up exactly right, not too much but definitely there, I want my ass being checked out when I walk by and so my jeans need to fit just so, and I like to look like all of it happened accidentally.

Unfortunately, I’m more than 100 pounds overweight and I have no chance of looking good, so I just make sure I’m clean and not wearing anything that shows any fat rolls and just quietly hate myself for the 3 cookies I had yesterday.


I really care how i look. And i want to be noticed and have women find me attractive. But i dont look how i want so ive stopped putting effort into it. I just dress like a bum with ripped shirts.

Thats why i dont go out anymore. Im ashamed.


I trim my eyebrows…I have a friend who doesn’t and it doesn’t look good at all…I shave and shower and try to dress nice according to what I go to…my mom keeps me in good clothes, thank goodness.


I go out in my slippers all the time. Sweatshirt, sweatpants. But they are clean, no holes. If I’m going to a family members I put on jeans.


I wanna look fresh and have my style, clothes take care of hair and skin.


I care. But, then again, I usually think people are watching me lol


I care, but not where it controls me. I like to look nice when I can. I try to look good for work.


I’m sad you feel that way. You’re very pretty. It sucks feeling bad about your looks. I am very self conscious about it too. I can be myself at home, but I feel like I need makeup to leave the house. And I wear clothes baggy to hide things I don’t like


I’m so sorry you feel that way @ablue . Do you have anyone you trust like relatives or friends to help you know what looks best on you? That might really help you know you’re looking your best


I am the same, @Bowens.

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I went back to shaving my face. I do have a mustache still but that’s it. I shower two to three times a week and brush my teeth once every day. It helps to keep my appearance clean and tidy. Helps with my self esteem.