Discuss, lol.
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Discuss, lol.
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Not really but sometimes. I’ve always had high confidence in my looks. One thing I will say tho is I’ve never really had flashy clothes and stuff. Sometimes I think about that, but deep down I now those things don’t matter.
Sometimes i also worry about my weight but not that much
I personally worry more about loosing energy levels.
But I do care about my physical looks too, perhaps because it is often or always correlated to physical health.
And that is something I’m passionate about even though I struggle with it
Haha haha!
Yea I like to be 55kg at 166cm.to be precise.
This is my goal. By following an okay eating lyfestyle
Its an immense challenge for me but worthwhile, perhaps.
Yes. I feel so much pressure on my body because of my problem. And trying to lose weight and look nice.
I wish my hair grows out Had a haircut but like my hair a little longer. And I wish I was a little more taller.
Yes, I worry sometimes that I’m not ugly enough to keep all people away. Some people have low standards.
There’s always those annoying few who don’t care about your appearance too.
I worry because diabetes runs in my family and I’m on olanzapine and have gained a lot of weight.
I wish I could be consistent with working out. Like going at least 3 times a week.
I worry about my weight too but also my parents are pretty health conscious and are getting up there in age and encouraging me to lose weight and take care of my skin. Always I considered myself fashionable and not that bad looking but because of my problem I’m stressed out and worried about things that no one has to worry about.
Hi @Speedy. I have joined my local gym. They have a swimming pool, and exercise classes like Pilates and Yoga. I find there classes to be very relaxing and enjoyable.
Me too, wish my legs were taller.
That’s great. Try to establish a routine going there if you can.
Yoga is great. I used to do yoga at home.
Only all the time. I’m trying to eat better starting this past Sunday. Because I’m wayyy too fat right now. Weather is getting nice, so I’ll need to get out and walk more. I just found out I no longer fit in the biggest size Ive ever been in. It feels like a wake up call…
For me the wake up call is, my lethargy levels getting worse I’m concerned it may be due to accumulating kidney damage from the amount of sugar I eat and salt, and from being overweight. Good luck with the eating lifestyle
Sorry to hear dat. It’s nice to fit in slim clothes. Especially for da summer.
Having said dat for those ppl who prefer to be bigger that’s OK too
not much. but im startin to see some small wrinkles that i dont really like but theyre only visable with foundation on so maybe i need to find a different one. but overall i dont care. i leave the house in clothes ive worn and slept in for a week haha
I must confess, I like attention from some men.
Like when I’m on the train.
Or walking in the town.
It’s nice,
I wish I didn’t care about that…but I do like it sometimes
This is what I am worried about. I’m not able to keep up with others when walking a normal pace. It’s embarrassing to walk any further than a quarter of a mile with anyone who isn’t overweight since I start having a hard time breathing and talking at the same time.
Sugar is so addicting, and it’s not like you can easily give it up because it’s in eeeeverything. Even stuff that really shouldn’t have sugar. I swear it should be considered a drug.
I do to a certain extent. I mean, I try to keep a decent short haircut and trim the hairs in my nose and on my ears LOL.
I also like to keep the area below my beard line fairly neat.
I don’t really obsess over things like my weight and stuff like that. I just try to dress respectfully and neat regardless if I’m a little chubby. I just look at weight as one of the side effects of meds.
Nothing wrong with being chubby if one feels more comfortable that way. True talks.
And as you know, I dig your look it’s really cool.
Great to see you on the selfie thread once in a while