Mine is well-managed, but I’m not recovered and would not label myself as such.
My sza is very well managed but I’m far from cured or recovered. To me, recovered and cured are the same thing.
Recovery would require metamorpheseus lol.
I am recovered from SZ - apart from the damage it caused to my sense of belonging to the local community here
Lost all my friends through disclosure of my illness and my isolation for years
To be fair, my parents and the mental health team provide a strong support network for me, and I appreciate that.
Without them I’d probably be dead or in prison
Is this statistic viable for negative schizophrenia
Sorry, I don’t know
I don’t find any link where they say simple schizophrenics recover from this disease
I don’t think that I will ever recover… It’s hard to treat negative symptoms of schizophrenia
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