Hey guys, as above, thoughts? I am single by choice!
I am single because my religion wouldn’t let me marry my gf. Which is a great thing because we would have been divorced within nine months. Now, we are just platonic friends.
Do I have a choice ?
I am single by choice
I am single by choice because I had no choice.
Single by choice here. Would make an awful partner
Same here. As I’ve gotten older I have gotten set in my ways. I don’t have enough of a life to share it with anybody.
I would love to date someone but being sick and disabled that’s not an option.
This exactly 151515
I’m sick and disabled. I’m happily married. It is possible
I am single by choice.
I don’t have any options,
or women wanting me.
But even if i had options,
I would stay alone.
I don’t like sex.
I have been single by choice for a long time. I just didn’t think I could hold up my end of the bargain. But now I’m thinking maybe… Just maybe… I’m ready for something
My life isn’t exactly exciting. But who knows? Perhaps someone would want me?? I dunno? I don’t keep my hopes up.
I understand about feeling down on yourself. But if you ever decide you want love, just know it’s possible
partly by choice partly due to circumstances that influence that choice
I’m fine with being single. I have my family and friends.
My family and friend. Never had a girl like me before.
It’s not by choice for me. I would prefer a partner, but I haven’t met a man I’m even a little interested in in years. So I guess it’s choice, in that I haven’t chosen one yet.
Being single rocks