How Many of you actually Exercise?

Just wondering, because there are studies where it’s supposed to help with cognitive symptoms of this illness, maybe even social cognition/ negative symptoms. How many of you actually see that it directly benefits the symptoms of your illness? I’m looking for motivation to start exercising if any of you see a direct benefit.


It’s done some really good things for me. I went from sleeping 10 hours a night to a more reasonable 7-8 hours simply by adding some decent exercise. I think it helps tremendously when your in a good place with your meds…getting that right can take some trial and error but your not losing when your doing regular exercise. Just keep it regular and it becomes a bit addicting in itself.


Nice, I might as well start, it’s been my hunch that it might be the only thing that could maybe help with my negative symptoms, just wish I had a treadmill, since I don’t like going outside.


I used to swim 4x a week

Not done it for months now

Shame as I used to enjoy it

Now I have a dog I will be walking more


I find regular exercise makes a huge difference to my cognition, mental health, and physical health.


Exercise is SO important! It’ll really help. Don’t think up excuses for not doing it, like me. That’s my new years resolution, to walk 30 minutes a day five days a week! Maybe one day I’ll take long long walks far far away again.


If there was an alternative to having a treadmill at home, it would be to go to a local gym and use the treadmill there. Usually you see the same people at the same time of day for however long you may exercise on the treadmill whether it be a days or months. Also, you get to meet and socialize with people if you ever get that far. Lastly, the exercise equipment is way better at the gym than what you can afford if you got a treadmill at home. A $10,000 treadmill vs. a $3,000 treadmill. There is no comparison.

I used to go for badminton on and off and church organised some sports and runs etc. Now I just walk in the park, cycle, or go to the gym occasionally.


I started to run daily for about 40min, it does give a good feeling


It helps a lot when I do it but I am really bad at motivating my self to do it.
Never been into sports or working out etc.

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I walk for an hour daily 6 days a week.

I don’t think it helps with the cognitive symptoms.


I do both long walks and the exercise bike a couple times a week. Keeps depression at bay.


I don’t exercise as much as I wish but I do run and do cardio, sometimes muscle strength

Just earlier I run a little over 15 minutes

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I run in a 10 square meters area, going back and fourth. I don’t like running outside

This is my last month health record

Ad this is how much I walked during the 7 months since I have this phone

If you’re looking for inspiration or thought it is not possible to run. Here is an example that it possible

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I walk everywhere, and that daily Fresh air is good for me.


Here are some articles to get your started

Exercise as a Treatment for Schizophrenia: A Review.

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Today i began exercising in my local gym. Hard cardio and few but heavy weights. Besides that i biked 20 kilometers.

If you are anyway able to exercise i will strongly recommend it. Its the best AD on the market.

I know how hard it can be to push yourself down to the local gym, or jogging, swimming, and it has nothing to do about being “lazy”


At least 30 minutes on the treadmill three times a week. I get a walk in then run until I fail. My time is going up.

It can help my symptoms. It’s not much, but it’s something.

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Working out only helps my mood while I’m doing it. Once I stop, my depression comes back if I’m in a depressed part of my mood cycle. I find it hard to workout when I’m anxious.

I haven’t worked out in 5 months, but I plan on starting again this week – I’m not waiting for the new year. I’ll be going to the gym and starting small, with 20 minutes on the stepper, and will build up slowly from there, eventually to 45 min cardio + strength training.

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