thinking about taking my old friends advice and taking some electrical classes. but i dont want to work more than 6 hours a day, probably unrealistic to become an electrician. im not sure how many hours they put in, or if they have steady work?
I decided to cut back my hrs per your advice. Thanks man.
you’re welcome, maybe after working you will know how many hours you can handle. i know i can only handle about 6 hours a day. in fact last job i had i quit after 6 hours haha.
I like being retired. Maybe work a bit on the side.
Wouldn’t it depend on each job? It’s upto you how many jobs you take isn’t it?
So you can theoretically make sure you don’t have too much scheduled by arranging it how is best appropriate by considering your own needs
If you’re self-employed, you set your own schedule.
IDK. It seems occasional emergency calls would suck if they happen.
Plumbers get emergency calls, I don’t know if electricians do.
One of my friends is an electrician. He works overtime almost always. They work too much and their job is hard physically and mentally. My friend’s hands are always cut from wires. You have to carry heavy electricity cables to many floors up and no elevator.
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