How many diagnoses have you got, and what are they if you want to share?

I have been dx’d with

2004 - Drug Induced Psychosis
2013 - Schizophrenia
2020 - ASD
2020 - GAD

See what confuses me is how late and behind the curve a lot of these things have been written against me.

How do you feel about your diagnoses, and do you think they were picked up in good time by medical professionals?

Diagnosed with ADD, dysthymia, and anxiety in high school. Diagnosed with schizophrenia after college. Doctor said about a year ago that I might have PTSD.

Delusional disorder

Schizophrenia and ptsd.

Major depression. Paranoid sz. Gout. High cholesterol…I count anything I take a pill for!

I’m terminally handsome and chronically cool. With a little thing called schizophrenia on the side.


1975-? schizophrenia
?-2005 mainly schizoaffective mixed/occasionally bipolar disorder
2005–? personality disorder nos
?- 2018 paranoid pd
2018-2019 schizophrenia
2019 Asperger’s and schizoaffective

Psychosis NOS



They told me a have a personality disorder and non organic psychosis.

intellectual disbaility
Bipolar mixed affective type
2013 to now - schizoaffective disorder BP type.

Attachment issues.
anxiety - mainly catastrophic thinking.

First I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, then they changed it to ASD and then after that it became schizophrenia and ASD.

I was first diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder in early high school. ADD when I was 7. Then when I was 21 it was very wierd I hadn’t worked in a year or so and my family wanted me to go on disability so they talked to my psychiatrist and he told me I had a much better chance of getting it if he changed my diagnosis. So he diagnosed me with schizoaffective disorder even though I hadn’t had any symptoms. Then the symptoms came later! In my mid 20’s I was diagnosed with PTSD from experiences in my early teens that only came back to me then.

1991 Major Depression, recurrent and severe
1993 Bipolar
1994 to present
Schizoaffective, bipolar type

2002 - bipolar
2003 - bipolar, sza, sz
2012 - bipolar
2013 - sz
2014 - sz, borderline personality
2018 - sza
2020 - sza, borderline personality, anxiety

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