How many calories do you consume a day to lose weight. I know anti psychotics slow down metabolism. I’ve been consuming 1600 a day for 5 days and haven’t lost weight. I’m female.
I’m eating 1200 a day and I’m losing
I’m 61 and it gets harder to lose weight as you age. I usually have to keep it at 1200 or less to lose weight.
About 1500/day with at least 500 calories extra burned. I’m losing. 51 year old male.
I don’t know.
I have difficulties calorie counting.
Maybe 1400 I’m guessing.
i eat about 1000 calories day trying to lose 5lbs a week.
I’m eating 1200 calories and exercising 5 days a week. I’m losing 1.5 to 2 pounds a week
I find calorie restricted diets only work for a specific period of time, and eventually the weight goes back on
The only cure I seem to have found is physical labour and going to the gym 4 times a week,
I have lost 21 kilos.
Been here before, and I have gone from 59 kilos (Calorie Restricted) to 95kg (Olanzapine) then down to 78 kilos then back up to 96 kilos (Not sure why) now back down to 73 kilos.
I hope to continue doing what I am and keep the weight down
Need to keep an eye on this as I start 5mg of Aripiprazole tomorrow morning to try and lower my prolactin
Hopefully this won’t change anything major weight wise
really, strange i thought diet a good way to lose weight. I exercise and diet i been losing weight. I thought diet alone makes you lose weight, exercise its not neccesary.
Dr Nowzaradan always says you need to eat less to lose weight. But exercise definitely helps
Depends on whether the diet is sustainable over a long period of time, and how long you diet for.
If you go back to old habits, it’s likely the weight will come back
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