Assuming that you are back on your feet.
Months? Years? A decade?
Did you have a period of time where you felt like you couldn’t do anything? How long did it last if so?
Assuming that you are back on your feet.
Months? Years? A decade?
Did you have a period of time where you felt like you couldn’t do anything? How long did it last if so?
Im going now through psychosis recovery, it happened last year summer. Was hospitalized for 2 months. Last time from my first psychosis I got better after 3-4 years. Im also going through Invega withdrawal symptoms, having dizziness and cloudy mind since stopping now
It took years for me to stop thinking my enemies were going to hunt me down and kill me. After I moved in 2019 I stopped thinking that would happen and now that I moved again this year I’m sure my enemies can’t find me anymore even if they wanted to.
About 2.5 years.
They put me on large doses of seroquel and benzos for a year.
I got super fat and had no motivation to do anything.
My house was a wreck, it was awful.
I spent about another year getting off seroquel and losing weight.
Then that last 6 months was just getting out of the haze, you know?
I’ve been well since.
Omg ages. I mean. First episode was 2016 then second 2018.
It was only this year really. Wen things changed significantly
Before my last psychotic episode I was living on my own. Went grocery shopping, did laundry, maintained my living space clean. Used to recycle a lot of aluminum, glass, and plastic bottles. I was independent.
So far, it has been about 6 months since. I think I’m slowly getting back to a more normal lifestyle. My routine has slightly improved over the last two months. I found that I needed a couple of months to adjust to after my medication was changed. Exercise has helped me out and eating a smaller portion of food daily also has helped. Starting a proper sleep and meal routine has helped. I’m finally starting to go out to public places like grocery stores and such. Truth be told the past two weeks I haven’t been exercising or eating well. It is mostly because I got a big blister on my foot because of it and I eat when I get nervous. My scheduled court appearance tomorrow has made me nervous.
All in all though, I do think I feel sense of improvement and closer to finding some normalcy.
I ask this question, because I’m out about 3 years since last psychosis and I’m wondering what my next step should be.
I’ve been stable for years now but I’m not really doing much(besides moderating). I’m not sure if I should try to go off meds like some people do or just adjust my lifestyle with meds. I could use a change though. I am just kind of standing still atm.
So are you off of antipsychotics now?
With my pdocs permission and supervision of course.
I was last hospitalized twice in 2018, total time spent in hospital was about a month, prior to that my last hospitalization was in 2004/2005.
After they let me out, they eventually put me on Lurasidone. That worked pretty quickly, a month or two after titrating my dosage up to 60mg I started doing really well and I’ve been doing great ever since.
My doctor had me on a CTO at the time, I think it was for 1.5 years (They got renewed every 6 months) but he was satisfied with my progress and took me off it. I don’t think the CTO was necessary to begin with but I wasn’t going to take issue with it, it didn’t really affect my life in anyway.
How many episodes have you had? I’ve had two and am feeling relatively normal on 5mg Olanzapine.
Just a word of warning. I lowered my olanzapine dosage under my doctors supervision due to all the terrible side effects, but still ended up psychotic and that was why I was hospitalized in 2018.
The good news is that even though I spent about a month in the hospital (which really sucked) I ended up finding Lurasidone and all my health problems are gone now, I’m stable and symptom free. (Except for a little bit of the flat effect)
It’s a turkey shoot
What do you mean by that Joker?
Dont do it, This is how my 2nd relapse happended, horrible experience and lost all my friends, job and a flat and had to move in with my mother
Yeah, I am extremely hesitant to try but some people do have success.
I never fully recovered from my first psychosis but I’m stable for over a year now, but still hear voices every day.
But maybe not for a long time, I was off meds for 6 months until I fell into worst psychosis also, experienced mania and depression has crippled me since this relapse
Did you ever try getting off meds before? Did you even get hospitalized? Voluntarily or involuntarily?