I feel really uncomfortable around my sister and can’t stand to be around her.
I love her but can’t stand her.
I can volunteer work a couple of hours with three people but I can’t volunteer with the other people who talk down at me or who I feel uncomfortable around.
I need a lot of lone time in bed so even the ones I’m comfortable with I feel I need lone time after a couple of hours.
I think I may be a bit of a empath that feels people etc so that makes me exhausted sometimes .
I spend most of my time in bed where I feel most comfortable and can rest etc.
My x boyfriend accepted that.
I could be around him 24/7 but felt really uncomfortable around his friends.
I can’t stand to be around most people.
My body may twitch and feel tense and uncomfortable etc
It depends how I feel and the settings.
I often usually say no thank you to dinners because I feel so uncomfortable and can really suffer even family dinners.
Not everyone in my family likes me and I clearly feel their hateful vibes.
Last week my aunt came to see me. I met her outside. Gave her a hug and she left. Now my Dad and family are mad at me because I didn’t talk to her. They just don’t understand.
One hour with someone I talk regularly with but I’m always in a state of doubt and paranoia about what I say, like it doesnt make sense or I’m wierd. With people I dont talk to regularly I am friendly but keep it short then think about it afterwards for a long time about how I looked to them. If they think I’m odd. That’s exhausting. I get nervous around my mother I see her 2x a year. But love talking to her on the phone.
Family in doses and I still need plenty of me time or down time. I only have a few friends but don’t see them often. One lives far far away. I see the other one a few times a year. I am a recluse. I crave company but tire out after a long visit. I just don’t like leaving my comfort zone much and hate crowded places. Most people are into things and conversations I’m not so it makes me painfully aware of how out of place I truly feel. Like I have a target on my forehead that says look right through me.
I get agitated easily.
I can stand the company of my Father but with others I can tolerate their company for short amounts of time.
Even my brother makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.
A half hour to an hour is consider a long time for me to be around others.
when I go see a friend which is rare like two hours max and then I start to feel drained and want to go be by myself
with strangers it’s hard for me to talk to them at all
with family, I don’t see them often but I can spend longer amounts of time with them