How many people can you tolerate?

In public or in group settings? Can you walk around town or go into big stores? Can you hang out with a decent amount of people without getting uncomfortable?


I keep to myself. I lack social skills. How I feel about other people varies. People are neither good or bad. Most are in between.


How do you do in general just being around people? Not necessarily interacting with them.

I don’t hang around people that much. I used to walk to AA meetings and hang around about forty minutes waiting for the meeting to start. I would talk to few people during the meeting, and when the meeting was over I didn’t hang around and talk. I can’t say that I have reformed now. I haven’t been going to AA meetings. I did have about six years of sobriety, but now I have about three months. Life isn’t bad. The town I live in has a population of 300, and I don’t know if they have any AA meetings.


3.6. Maybe 3.8 if I’m having a good day.

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Well, I’m pretty much fed up with everyone at this point in life
Even my girlfriend is bothering me
Im increasingly hateful of being around people altogether, makes me feel nervous and weird though I have great social conversation skills :sweat:

My cat is my best friend.

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in public, a non-busy store is ok. i hate it when its busy. i dont walk around. and with hanging out with people, one person is too much for me. i think it would be actually easier for me if i had to to hang out in a group of 3 or 4 people but they would have to know me well. i say that would be easier cause they could occupy eachother and leave me alone in the background. but i havent hung out with people in forever.

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I’m generally fine going out in public no matter how many people are there. I am less comfortable when there are multiple people in a room with me during a convo and such. I get a bit nervous when my pdoc has those student doctors in the room , for example. I don’t like being surrounded like that when I’m the focal point of conversations.


I can only interact with one person at a time. Any more than that and I risk having a breakdown.


Haven’t we discussed your wiener enough

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not enough for me, no.

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I prefer to be alone, but I’m pretty good getting along with people.

Exactly the same here. It is when I am the focal point, or many people look at me in order to say something, that I have problems with…

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2 is my limit :person_shrugging:t5:

I think everyone is saying a very limited number of people because those that are inclined to join this forum may be more introverted. I want to hear from the extroverted people with this illness, that they feel the same way after their diagnosis?

I was never an extrovert, yet I could stand large crowds (went to concerts, crowded pubs or dance clubs before). I even went on stage and used a microphone to address the audience - I was 18.
Today I have a strong preference for meeting people outdoors, have a walk or go to a movie. By contrast, I dislike sitting down face to face at a table or sharing a coworking space inside a room.
Longer verbal interactions are exhausting. Meetings and discussions drain my energy quickly, even if they happen in the virtual space. I don’t always use the webcam in such instances. Even phone conversations exceeding 20min in length get tiresome.

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I also used to go to bars/clubs and had many friends even though I had social anxiety.

Now, it is different. I think too much stimulation tires my brain now-- too much stimulation meaning too much auditory data.

I meet my cousins once weekly, but after a while I go quiet.


When I was younger, I used to go to very large rock concerts, crowded bars and such all the time. I always felt ‘alone in a crowd’, but otherwise, I was usually ok. As I got older, approaching my early 40’s, my sz illness got worse and worse and people became harder to tolerate.

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Myself, my wife and my kid.

No, really. Hell is other people.

Has it got something to do with the noise, the sound, or the amount of data your brain can inculcate before it kinda gets tired?