How I would spend my lottery money

I would move out into a sic apartment and buy a great car. I would get parcelain veneers. I would travel the globe with my beautiful, perfect kids. I would help my family out, especially my poor aunt who lives in Arkansas in a broken down trailor that’s not even level, with a horribly stained and smelly carpet and the walls have pulled away from the floors so critters can come in. No BS. It’s that bad. I woud totally rescue her. Then the apartment, car, kids, veneers, fam. Sure would be nice. I don’t even buy lotto tickets tho! Ha! Can’t afford to waste the money.

Oh ya…and I would start a global movement of emotional maturity, resposibility, accountability and peace


I probably wouldn’t be happy if I won the lottery. I wouldn’t be able to stomach so much money.

I’ll probably go on a rooftop and let it rain hundred dollar bills

I think we all would enjoy helping others but there must be something you would enjoy. Not even a trip somewhere? You wouldn’t have to keep it all, but you could keep a little. I would give a lot of money away too but I would still keep some too.

I would probably use the money to pay off my debts. that’s probably all.

then I’d probably give the money away. then get a fedloan and reapply into college for a computer programming degree.

I’m known for turning down things that might make me too stressful. having a lot of money would be way too stressful, I think.

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I would buy all the lottery tickets I could buy. Jk I hate gambling I always loose . I would never win unless I found a ticket.

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Having money would get rid of (not all but a lot of) stress for me. It wouldn’t solve all my problems (obviously) but it could sure improve my situation.