How i work my way through schizophrenia

What I consider to be my personal ‘win-win’ situation in dealing with being stuck at home with schizophrenia, using the WWW, and I feel perhaps anyone who is in a similar position may find the guideline helpful.

Here are the links:

I’d love to know if this is helpful, and how others like me, who are not allowed to work, are coping and making extra pocket money.

I don’t make millions, or even thousands. Now and again I have a rare sale, or reach a payout threshold, so this is not a way to earn a living.

I still rely on my disability grant and don’t use it to fund any of my endeavours.

My goal is to be able to see if anyone WITHOUT any money is able to survive using the WWW. Seems impossible so far.

Well, do let me know how You Work Your Way Through Schizophrenia.

Warmest wishes
Raine Carosin

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I don’t understand clearly what you’re doing online making money but I freelance, I’m a graphic designer and I sell my art through Etsy, I make a lot of money from that site and you have endless possibilities of things you can sell. check it out


post some pics of yours elf money maker.

Hiya! Thanks for replying. Yes, Etsy is a good site, but it’s not ideal for me. I joined a long while ago. I have my art, designs and music for sale on various sites, and they sort out the posting and monies for me, which suits me fine as I don’t like to have to figure out all the legal aspects, plus also have to deal with the terrible postal service we have in our area. We are lucky to get a bulk post shoved into our mailbox once every two months. A very suspect postal service we have. I use and constrvt and
Mostly, I just have this routine to keep my mind occupied so that I’m not drawn into imaginary conversations and depressions.
Hope that helped to clear up any questions you may have had.
Thanks. Do send me your etsy link so I may wwwindow shop… I love to see new art and products.
Best wishes
Raine Carosin

Hiya, Petester…I’ll do that… I don’t make a lot, just some to help me with saving for a particular item I would like that’s not in the budget… Also, to keep myself busy and not be overwhelmed by the imaginary conversations in my head and/or depression… This routine suits me… It took around three or four years to perfect, but, gottit now! Best wishes to all, raine and pierre :-}