Hello all.
I am suffering a lot from negative symptoms and would like to use Sarcosine… but dont know how it has worked for others so far.
Would like to know how Sarcosine has helped those who are using it. Are there any side effects?
Let everyone know through your comments.
Lot of people here take sarcosine… @TheBest do u want to comment…!!!
February 26, 2018, 4:04pm
I took Sarcosine and didn’t notice much, I was taking a low dose, so I quit it. Then I experienced some schizophrenia symptoms, so I decided to take it again. I take 4 grams a day. I just bought some more recently.
I haven’t noticed any side effects.
Did you notice any mood elevation or reduced depression?
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February 26, 2018, 4:09pm
My mood has been above average and I’m not really depressed.
I talked to my psychiatrist about Sarcosine and was given a reported study about the stuff. It was suggested to me that Sarcosine has no effect and shouldn’t be taken. It would be a waste of money if purchased.
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February 26, 2018, 4:14pm
I also take Bacopa, Ashwagandha, and Gotu Kola. It has really helped with my mood and depression as well.
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I like @TheBest veiws on supplements…!!! U are doing great brosky…!!! Keep it up…!!!
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February 26, 2018, 4:18pm
Thanks @far_cry0 . A lot of people think I’m full of it. I think I’m doing something right though.
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U are always right @brosky …!!! Salute TO U…!!!
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February 26, 2018, 4:20pm
haha Thanks @brosky . I might change my profile name to that.
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Haha its unique…!!! Think about it…!!! Hahhaha!!!
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February 26, 2018, 4:31pm
I didn’t get any effect from taking Sarcosine, neither good or bad.
The only supplement that helps me is Vitamin B-complex.
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Sup Farcry what are you up to?
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Sup my british friend frings… what are u up to…
Its night time here in nepal…!!! Hope u are getting ready for dinner…!!!
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This early …!!! Have u ate ur dinner…!!!
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I hate to sleep… how old are u frings…!!!
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