I’m coming up on the end of my current supply of Sarcosine. Trying to decide whether or not to reorder. So for those of you have tried:
- Yes, it helps
- No, it does not help
- Unsure
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I’m coming up on the end of my current supply of Sarcosine. Trying to decide whether or not to reorder. So for those of you have tried:
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I notice that it helps me. Not a lot, but it gives me a boost.
I get the one from brain vitaminz it helps. I have one gram in the morning and one after dinner.
I’ve been taking it daily since August 2021. I tried it a long time ago 2016 but I didn’t stick with it.
I think the only way to know if it will help you is to take it daily for a month.
I took it everyday for three months and didn’t notice a difference.
In the beginning I may have had some difference,
But that quickly faded.
I feel neutral about Sarcosine,
It works for some, doesn’t work for others.
It made me worse. For me the only thing that worked for real is anything that boosts dopamine, I had good results with Ldopa but its too weak compared to Adderall or Ritalin and it already made my positive symptoms slightly worse. I want to try Ritalin but my Drs refused prescribing them saying they will make me psychotic.
Some users here are on Adderall or Ritalin without worsening of psychosis so maybe you can try them @Bowens
I was gonna try Adderall or selegiline. But I’m doing fine right now so I’ll reserve that trial for another time lol
You’re lucky your Dr is willing to prescribe them. Mine only accepted to try Wellbutrin and Modafinil which are weak stimulants.
Yeah my pdoc is like oh you want to try that? Sure heres 90 day. What dose you want? Lmao
Maybe its because you’re stable without APs.
Probably. She makes sure I have aps on hand though. She’s a good pdoc, flexible but a bit of an overprescriber I’d say.
The welbutrin did nothing for me went up to 400mg.
The modafinil tried up to 200mg but had the swollen sinuses everytime I tried it. It kind of helped.
At one point I had prescriptions for
So I I’ve tried a bunch of stuff
Did it help while you were on it?
I asked users here and they said stimulants helped their negative symptoms but some of them relapsed into psychosis like after 6 months of being on Ritalin.
It destabilized me. Eventually I was getting psychosis symptoms. And panic anxiety. Had to stop it.
Have no idea if it makes a difference but I spend 45$ every few months on it lol, I’m pretty high functioning tho so idk.
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