How do you study/pay attention for 5 hours a day?

is this do-able?

what helps you study?

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try the pomodoro technique.
set a timer for 25 minutes. and for the 25 mins all you do is focus on the study. then take a 5 min break and do it again.

You can get some good studying done that way. Im sure theres some scholarly folks on here that went through university that can probably help more.


When I was in university, highlighting important phrases, taking notes, and then rewriting both in my own words a few days before exams improved my grades and concentration. Sometimes I even rewrote them twice. Writing requires less concentration than reading and info stuck more in my brain when written than reading. I know smarter ppl can learn just by reading once but I cant as I lose focus.


I don’t know I’ve never studied for more than 30mins. Just repeat it in your head a few times. That will do it.

Sometimes I had to write the whole page when the material was too hard. I got good grades in physiology, anatomy, etc

I had to do repetition with a lot of things in math, so much because I would instantly forget what I even learned. My memory is just not so great at absorbing new knowledge.

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Mine too is bad, sometimes I felt stupid for repeating myself but it did really work and I got good grades. Only if this worked in practical classes like emergency care labs where I get stressed and anxious a lot with a pounding heart. I suck in practical courses and including prescribing training programs because I am not organized in my head. I was so organized before sz. Disorganized thoughts suck.


yeah the clinicals can be tough cuz your put on the spot and need to recall and think critically right away.
yeah im also pretty disorganized.

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I payed attention in this forum for last 5 hours, i didn’t notice the time passing by, but i wanted to do the dishes which takes only 20 min. as well. I didn’t do the dishes cause i don’t like doing them. When i was working in the bakery (sometimes 12 hours) the dishes wouldn’t be an issue. Apparently i managed to keep the bakeryjob interesting cause i wanted to quit baking on day one. You need to know why you do what you do. It has to be clear. Doubt ruins the task. I grew up with mixed messages and i think that made me so confused that i developed sz.

10 minute break every 30minutes. then 3o min break after 2 hrs. repeat. then when you suceed at this changie it to every 45 min

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When I was in college, I’d start the day with a run. That got me going. Then in the afternoon I’d run again. It pepped me up and enabled me to keep at it.

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