What kind of doneness and how do you prepare it?
Any sauces or compound butters?
I’m cooking nice steaks tonight and I’d like some new ideas.
What kind of doneness and how do you prepare it?
Any sauces or compound butters?
I’m cooking nice steaks tonight and I’d like some new ideas.
Rare, no sauce for me. I had one tonight like that. It took 6 minutes to cook.
Pepper sauce is good though.
Do you put salt and pepper on it?
they used to tell us during t.v. viewing, don’t salt it before it’s cooked.
maybe Phil never saw that.
I would say medium, just slightly pink inside.
Personally I just put salt on it.
Very occasionally some of this:
But you can buy pepper sauce mix in the supermarket.
Well cooked. Don’t like blood on inside.
Medium rare. Closer to rare than medium. I like garlic butter on my steak.
I like my steak done medium. I use steak seasoning on them…montreal brand…
Rare. Still mooing with herbs on top and grilled asparagus. Thank you for making me hungry.
Vegan lol
I’m pretty sure the cows are vegan.
Well done, but truth be said I’ll be happy to quit meat once I leave the shelter.
Medium rare. I don’t have much steak though. I like steak,chips mushrooms,onions and tomatoes.
I like my steak medium rare. I would rather have it lean towards medium than rare though. Too raw of meat has no flavour
The key is letting it rest in the fridge for a few days, turning it over regularly. This gives it a very nice crust when you grill it. Add salt and pepper and enjoy
Do you let the steaks warm up to room temperature before grilling them Rexy? It helps them cook evenly and faster.
But I love a nice rare steak. Basically seared on both sides. And I am boring when it comes to sauces. Just A1 and I’m happy plus with Portobello mushrooms.
I like my steak like I like my women: cheap, well done, not too big, not too small.
I’m about to take them out of the fridge now.
Solid advice.
I was temped to order steak, mushroom and chips from the only place that does it here. They’re not the best at following instructions. The price has gone up to £13($17.93) . I decided against it
Buttered pan and coat the top and bottom with fresh ground steak seasoning. You should use a little more salt and pepper than you think you need.
I bake mine at 300f for about 45 min or so when not grilling.
Medium. It has to have juice but not be raw. I like it with A1, not because the steak needs it but because A1 is delicious.