How do you get rid of delusions

How can I get better at realizing when I am having delusional thoughts? Can I get rid of them completely? I have all these “delusions” that law enforcement is out to get me specifically the FBI. People tell me these are delusions, I think I am getting better at realizing that. It feels real sometimes I still find myself talking into my phones microphone because I think someone’s listening. I’ll also type out notes out on my phone because I think it’s being monitored. After talking about all this with others I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s delusional thinking. For some reason I still find myself doing these things. Has anyone had success with getting rid off or atleast cutting back on their delusions? I am thinking about going to therapy for this because it just seems to get worse.


I feel like my notes on my phone can maybe be read too. But who knows maybe they could be.
I’m a bit delusional maybe, I don’t know if medicine can remove that. I’d recommend therapy cbt. Its useful

Just remember nobody cares about you as long as you conform and don’t break the law.

As for delusions, grounding can be quite effective. I suggest you look it up online and see what methods can help you specifically. There should be lots of suggestions. That will save you some time/money seeing a therapist, as that’s probably an angle they will use.

I choose to ignore delusions, but I cannot do this when I am overwhelmed by something. For the most part though it does seem to work. I get these crazy thoughts and idea in my head, and I just ground myself and tell them all to ■■■■ themselves.

I am now indifferent to my own thoughts and mind.


My delusions went away with medicine. My hallucinations are still a problem but delusions are not. I went through a big medication change that I suppose gets credit for that. I like to think my attitude played a part in it though… but I’m not sure that’s true.

Back before then I also used to type out notes in search bar or an my phone because I thought someone in a room was monitoring me live.

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The only time the FBI investigates you is if you’ve committed a federal crime or you asked them to investigate you. You will know if you committed a federal crime or filled out a form to ask them to investigate you. Like, there will be definitive external evidence that other people will be able to confirm for you.

Otherwise, you’re just not important to the FBI. They are after people like this. They are not after crazy people like us (sorry if that offends.)

To answer your other question, medication pretty much eliminated my hallucinations and delusions. Adequate sleep and food helps people a lot as well.

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Wow we had the exact same delusion I wonder how common it is … the notepad thing is still quite a problem for me

As far as my delusions go - the medications help alot. But if i do have a belief about something - i try to take a step back and not react to it physically or mentally without proper self-anaysis first. I consider my mental health status and question how my mood has been latley. I also try to confirm deny using external sources and leave it for a couple of days in my head. Usually afterwards - i discover whatever it was was crap so ignore it.


Delusions are the worst thing for me

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Delusions are tough. It takes meds, work and therapy I think. Combination of everything you can do. Don’t expect to get better with no meds, don’t expect to get better after taking a pill for a week. Takes years of work. I wasn’t set out for getting rid of delusions. I was set out for truth, personal development and enlightenment . But you need healthy mind and even then it’s not an overnight thing. It’s a process.


Therapy might be a good idea, and help you change your way of thinking, as well as the way you react to the thoughts.


There are some great suggestions in this thread.

Grounding is huge part of DBT. Look it up. It helped me a lot and still helps me. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder when I was a teenager and sent to DBT group therapy for a long time, and grounding was a frequent topic in that therapy.

This is a great way to deal with them… taking a step back and waiting rather than acting impulsively to them, I often find that they fade over time.

And from DBT, try “Check The Facts”…

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Guys, you can’t stop delusions when you are deeply into them, believing them wholeheartedly. You are unaware of grounding strategies


I think you have taken the first step in not believing in them. I have said this on here before, things can go away when you don’t believe in them. But it is a long road. If something is out of place and there is no evidence for it, I have been getting good at saying it is not real.

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You can with practise and multiple failures. The key is not to give up. I don’t do it now because other people tell me too. I just dismiss everything out of hand. Sure sometimes I fail miserably at it, but you can stop these things in their tracks by calling out ■■■■■■■■.

The more you entertain these delusions the worse they get.

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The guy that figures that out will be a zillionaire.

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